[1.8.5] xfer problem

I have fresh installation of Asterisk 1.8.5 and I use only Cisco (Linksys) phones.

The problem - Internal transfer function of these phones worked well for asterisk 1.6.2, after I came to 1.8.5 it does not work. It looks like :

1.I receive a call
2. I push atxfer(bxfer) button
3. I type a number
4. I push dial button
5. I hear silence and the call is dropped

I cant see any errors on console during this operation. What should I do :smile:?

The exact same configuration works on 1.6.2 and not on 1.8 then? If so, follow the issue reporting guidelines here:


Once you’ve collected all of the data (configs and logs…SIP, Asterisk), you can open an issue on the tracker:
