i did a php that must return 3 vars to my dial plan.
in dial plan i used this lines to use my agi
exten => 1235,n(APIAI),agi(jasar.api.ai.agi,${msgvar}, ${sId})
exten => 1235,n,Verbose(1,Script returned: ${msg} , ${sId}, ${andamento})
but in comand line in verbose mode
i are sayng that Script Returned: , ,
in my php file i tryed to return vars from many forms
$return = array($resposta,$result['sessionId'],$andamento);
$return = "$resposta,$result[sessionId],$andamento";
return $return;
echo $return;
but nome of then worked.
some one could teach me how my php file can pass theses three vars to my dial pan?