Everything is set perfect. But Not even a single traffic on Asterisk CLI while Zopier tries to registering. Neither traffic Nor Registration. What could be wrong?
No one could give you the right answer or help without details and logs.
On Monday 19 August 2024 at 16:38:05, shafty via Asterisk Community wrote:
Everything is set perfect.
Clearly not.
But Not even a single traffic on Asterisk CLI while Zopier tries to
registering. Neither traffic Nor Registration. What could be wrong?
Zoiper can’t connect to the Asterisk system. This is almost certainly a
routing / firewall / NAT problem.
Please describe the networking setup:
are Zoiper and Asterisk on the same subnet?
if not, can the machine with Zoiper ping the machine where Asterisk is?
The more information you provide so we can understand what your setup is, the
more likely someone can suggest what the problem is.
BASIC is to computer languages what Roman numerals are to arithmetic.
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Zoiper is on windows 11
Asterisk is inside an Oracle virtualbox
No log file is getting updated including full and message.
Windows firewall is disabled at the same I disabled SElinux too…
How to enable observe the logs for pjsip.
Endpoints are showing but unavailable as it is unregistered…
Please ask for the details. I am ready to provide. I have to keep it running somehow this Friday. Thanks.
On Monday 19 August 2024 at 17:03:24, shafty via Asterisk Community wrote:
Zoiper is on windows 11
I assume that means it’s on your personal laptop or similar.
Asterisk is inside an Oracle virtualbox
I’m going to assume that Virtualbox is also running on the same laptop.
I’m further going to assume that the IP address of your laptop is not in the
same subnet as the Asterisk machine inside Virtualbox (ie: virtualbox is
routing, not bridging).
I asked previously whether the machine running Zoiper can ping the machine
where Asterisk is.
These are all going to be private RFC1918 addresses, so there is no security
risk in simply telling us what the IP address of your laptop is, and what the
IP address of the virtual server with Asterisk running on it is.
Can you ping the address of the virtualbox machine (the VM that’s running
Asterisk) from the laptop?
At this stage, my guess is that you need to enable something in Virtualbox
(I’m not an expert with that) to allow inbound traffic to Asterisk.
It is also possible that putting the birds in a laboratory setting
inadvertently renders them relatively incompetent.
Daniel C Dennett
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Another source of error could lie in ZoiPer: There are settings for NAT there.
Deactivate the settings for NAT such as STUN and ICE in ZoiPer.
On Monday 19 August 2024 at 17:14:27, shafty via Asterisk Community wrote:
Please ask for the details. I am ready to provide.
What is the IP address of the machine Zoiper is running on?
What is the IP address of the Virtualbox machine Asterisk is running on?
Can you ping the IP address of the Asterisk machine from the Zoiper machine?
That should be enough to be getting on with, and by the way will almost
certainly indicate that this is not an Asterisk problem.
This space intentionally has nothing but text explaining why this space has
nothing but text explaining that this space would otherwise have been left
blank, and would otherwise have been left blank.
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Windows 11:
ipconfig returns
Centos 9:
hostname -I returns
Either of those can’t ping each other…
Network adapters are Bridged. (How to check and confirm it one more time for sure)
Yes. I have confirmed the network mode. It’s Bridged but Promiscuous Mode is Denied. Does it matter on VM Network settings?
But I am able to connect to the centos ip through puTTY and transfer files through WinSCP tool also. Then why not zoiper? May I try with linphone one time?
I enabled the web console… would that be a problem?
Web console: https://localhost:9090/ or
From windows to centos ping timed out
From CentOS to windows nothing happens. No pinging no time out. Just the same screen shows without any chance.
On Monday 19 August 2024 at 18:04:42, shafty via Asterisk Community wrote:
I enabled the web console… would that be a problem?
Web console: https://localhost:9090/ or
Since you are in bridged mode on Virtualbox, I don’t understand why and cannot ping each other - however I know almost
nothing about Virtualbox, so I don’t think I can help further with this.
The fact that you cannot ping between the machines strongly suggests that
Asterisk is not the problem, though.
“Have you been drinking brake fluid again? I think you’re addicted to the
“No, no, it’s alright - I can stop any time I want to.”
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hmmm, how about firewalld??
Hi. Yes. Thats the problem. Please help me configure that. Thanks
Well, that’s not an Asterisk issue, better look to firewalld docs or forums.
Okay. No problem if you don’t want to help. I will sort it out myself.
Thank you for finding the root cause.
“Shafty” you have more issues than the Hamas Israel war going on right now.
You are so full of issues. Before you start taking on a project like Asterisk why don’t you learn Networking and some basic linux. Seems to me you want everyone else to do the project for you. If you PAY someone then they can attempt to create your project to your liking.