WebRTC: Two servers; registered but unavailable only one one

I have two identical servers with Asterisk 18.8.0 with PJSIP and trying to use WebRTC. On one server, I register and everything works fine. The other server, I register but am unavailable. Calls from the client are fine but, of course, Asterisk can’t send any calls to it. I have spent many hours looking at this and I am just not seeing it. By now I think I am blind to something obvious. A vimdiff shows there are pretty much no differences between the configuration and I have been through the configuration on both servers side by side. I would really appreciate any help on this. I can provide anything else that would be helpful but to start here are my endpoints:


 Endpoint:  <Endpoint/CID.....................................>  <State.....>  <Channels.>
    I/OAuth:  <AuthId/UserName...........................................................>
        Aor:  <Aor............................................>  <MaxContact>
      Contact:  <Aor/ContactUri..........................> <Hash....> <Status> <RTT(ms)..>
  Transport:  <TransportId........>  <Type>  <cos>  <tos>  <BindAddress..................>
   Identify:  <Identify/Endpoint.........................................................>
        Match:  <criteria.........................>
    Channel:  <ChannelId......................................>  <State.....>  <Time.....>
        Exten: <DialedExten...........>  CLCID: <ConnectedLineCID.......>

 Endpoint:  6101                                                 Not in use    0 of inf
     InAuth:  6101/6101
        Aor:  6101                                               1
      Contact:  6101/sip:pnole246@;trans e517fa288d Avail         5.733
  Transport:  transport-wss             wss      0      0

 ParameterName                      : ParameterValue
 100rel                             : yes
 CHANNEL(parkinglot)                : default
 accept_multiple_sdp_answers        : false
 accountcode                        : 
 acl                                : 
 aggregate_mwi                      : true
 allow                              : (ulaw)
 allow_overlap                      : true
 allow_subscribe                    : true
 allow_transfer                     : true
 allow_unauthenticated_options      : false
 aors                               : 6101
 asymmetric_rtp_codec               : false
 auth                               : 6101
 bind_rtp_to_media_address          : false
 bundle                             : true
 call_group                         : 1
 callerid                           : <unknown>
 callerid_privacy                   : allowed_not_screened
 callerid_tag                       : 
 codec_prefs_incoming_answer        : prefer:pending, operation:intersect, keep:all, transcode:allow
 codec_prefs_incoming_offer         : prefer:pending, operation:intersect, keep:all, transcode:allow
 codec_prefs_outgoing_answer        : prefer:pending, operation:intersect, keep:all, transcode:allow
 codec_prefs_outgoing_offer         : prefer:pending, operation:union, keep:all, transcode:allow
 connected_line_method              : invite
 contact_acl                        : 
 context                            : longdistance
 cos_audio                          : 0
 cos_video                          : 0
 device_state_busy_at               : 0
 direct_media                       : false
 direct_media_glare_mitigation      : none
 direct_media_method                : invite
 disable_direct_media_on_nat        : false
 dtls_auto_generate_cert            : Yes
 dtls_ca_file                       : 
 dtls_ca_path                       : 
 dtls_cert_file                     : 
 dtls_cipher                        : 
 dtls_fingerprint                   : SHA-256
 dtls_private_key                   : 
 dtls_rekey                         : 0
 dtls_setup                         : actpass
 dtls_verify                        : Yes
 dtmf_mode                          : rfc4733
 fax_detect                         : false
 fax_detect_timeout                 : 0
 follow_early_media_fork            : true
 force_avp                          : false
 force_rport                        : true
 forward_longdistance               : yes
 from_domain                        : 
 from_user                          : 
 g726_non_standard                  : false
 ice_support                        : true
 identify_by                        : username,ip
 ignore_183_without_sdp             : false
 inband_progress                    : false
 incoming_call_offer_pref           : local
 incoming_mwi_mailbox               : 
 language                           : 
 mailboxes                          : 
 max_audio_streams                  : 1
 max_video_streams                  : 1
 media_address                      : 
 media_encryption                   : dtls
 media_encryption_optimistic        : false
 media_use_received_transport       : true
 message_context                    : 
 moh_passthrough                    : false
 moh_suggest                        : default
 mwi_from_user                      : 
 mwi_subscribe_replaces_unsolicited : no
 named_call_group                   : 
 named_pickup_group                 : 
 notify_early_inuse_ringing         : false
 one_touch_recording                : false
 outbound_auth                      : 
 outbound_proxy                     : 
 outgoing_call_offer_pref           : remote_merge
 pickup_group                       : 1
 preferred_codec_only               : false
 record_off_feature                 : automixmon
 record_on_feature                  : automixmon
 recordable_prompts                 : 700-709
 refer_blind_progress               : true
 rewrite_contact                    : false
 rpid_immediate                     : false
 rtcp_mux                           : true
 rtp_engine                         : asterisk
 rtp_ipv6                           : false
 rtp_keepalive                      : 0
 rtp_symmetric                      : false
 rtp_timeout                        : 0
 rtp_timeout_hold                   : 0
 sdp_owner                          : -
 sdp_session                        : Asterisk
 send_connected_line                : yes
 send_diversion                     : true
 send_history_info                  : false
 send_pai                           : true
 send_rpid                          : false
 srtp_tag_32                        : false
 stir_shaken                        : false
 sub_min_expiry                     : 30
 subscribe_context                  : 
 suppress_q850_reason_headers       : false
 t38_bind_udptl_to_media_address    : false
 t38_udptl                          : false
 t38_udptl_ec                       : none
 t38_udptl_ipv6                     : false
 t38_udptl_maxdatagram              : 0
 t38_udptl_nat                      : false
 timers                             : yes
 timers_min_se                      : 90
 timers_sess_expires                : 1800
 tone_zone                          : 
 tos_audio                          : 0
 tos_video                          : 0
 transport                          : transport-wss
 trust_connected_line               : yes
 trust_id_inbound                   : true
 trust_id_outbound                  : false
 use_avpf                           : true
 use_pin                            : no
 use_ptime                          : false
 user_eq_phone                      : false
 voicemail_extension                : 
 webrtc                             : yes


 Endpoint:  <Endpoint/CID.....................................>  <State.....>  <Channels.>
    I/OAuth:  <AuthId/UserName...........................................................>
        Aor:  <Aor............................................>  <MaxContact>
      Contact:  <Aor/ContactUri..........................> <Hash....> <Status> <RTT(ms)..>
  Transport:  <TransportId........>  <Type>  <cos>  <tos>  <BindAddress..................>
   Identify:  <Identify/Endpoint.........................................................>
        Match:  <criteria.........................>
    Channel:  <ChannelId......................................>  <State.....>  <Time.....>
        Exten: <DialedExten...........>  CLCID: <ConnectedLineCID.......>

 Endpoint:  4405                                                 Unavailable   0 of inf
     InAuth:  4405/4405
        Aor:  4405                                               1
      Contact:  4405/sip:t2rbdmqq@;trans b8b6f6f54f Unavail         nan
  Transport:  transport-wss             wss      0      0

 ParameterName                      : ParameterValue
 100rel                             : yes
 CHANNEL(parkinglot)                : default
 accept_multiple_sdp_answers        : false
 accountcode                        : 
 acl                                : 
 aggregate_mwi                      : true
 allow                              : (ulaw)
 allow_overlap                      : true
 allow_subscribe                    : true
 allow_transfer                     : true
 allow_unauthenticated_options      : false
 aors                               : 4405
 asymmetric_rtp_codec               : false
 auth                               : 4405
 bind_rtp_to_media_address          : false
 bundle                             : true
 call_group                         : 1
 callerid                           : <unknown>
 callerid_privacy                   : allowed_not_screened
 callerid_tag                       : 
 codec_prefs_incoming_answer        : prefer:pending, operation:intersect, keep:all, transcode:allow
 codec_prefs_incoming_offer         : prefer:pending, operation:intersect, keep:all, transcode:allow
 codec_prefs_outgoing_answer        : prefer:pending, operation:intersect, keep:all, transcode:allow
 codec_prefs_outgoing_offer         : prefer:pending, operation:union, keep:all, transcode:allow
 connected_line_method              : invite
 contact_acl                        : 
 context                            : longdistance
 cos_audio                          : 0
 cos_video                          : 0
 device_state_busy_at               : 0
 direct_media                       : false
 direct_media_glare_mitigation      : none
 direct_media_method                : invite
 disable_direct_media_on_nat        : false
 dtls_auto_generate_cert            : Yes
 dtls_ca_file                       : 
 dtls_ca_path                       : 
 dtls_cert_file                     : 
 dtls_cipher                        : 
 dtls_fingerprint                   : SHA-256
 dtls_private_key                   : 
 dtls_rekey                         : 0
 dtls_setup                         : actpass
 dtls_verify                        : Yes
 dtmf_mode                          : rfc4733
 fax_detect                         : false
 fax_detect_timeout                 : 0
 follow_early_media_fork            : true
 force_avp                          : false
 force_rport                        : true
 forward_longdistance               : yes
 from_domain                        : 
 from_user                          : 
 g726_non_standard                  : false
 ice_support                        : true
 identify_by                        : username,ip
 ignore_183_without_sdp             : false
 inband_progress                    : false
 incoming_call_offer_pref           : local
 incoming_mwi_mailbox               : 
 language                           : 
 mailboxes                          : 
 max_audio_streams                  : 1
 max_video_streams                  : 1
 media_address                      : 
 media_encryption                   : dtls
 media_encryption_optimistic        : false
 media_use_received_transport       : true
 message_context                    : 
 moh_passthrough                    : false
 moh_suggest                        : default
 mwi_from_user                      : 
 mwi_subscribe_replaces_unsolicited : no
 named_call_group                   : 
 named_pickup_group                 : 
 notify_early_inuse_ringing         : false
 one_touch_recording                : false
 outbound_auth                      : 
 outbound_proxy                     : 
 outgoing_call_offer_pref           : remote_merge
 pickup_group                       : 1
 preferred_codec_only               : false
 record_off_feature                 : automixmon
 record_on_feature                  : automixmon
 recordable_prompts                 : 700-709
 refer_blind_progress               : true
 rewrite_contact                    : false
 rpid_immediate                     : false
 rtcp_mux                           : true
 rtp_engine                         : asterisk
 rtp_ipv6                           : false
 rtp_keepalive                      : 0
 rtp_symmetric                      : false
 rtp_timeout                        : 0
 rtp_timeout_hold                   : 0
 sdp_owner                          : -
 sdp_session                        : Asterisk
 send_connected_line                : yes
 send_diversion                     : true
 send_history_info                  : false
 send_pai                           : true
 send_rpid                          : false
 srtp_tag_32                        : false
 stir_shaken                        : false
 sub_min_expiry                     : 30
 subscribe_context                  : 
 suppress_q850_reason_headers       : false
 t38_bind_udptl_to_media_address    : false
 t38_udptl                          : false
 t38_udptl_ec                       : none
 t38_udptl_ipv6                     : false
 t38_udptl_maxdatagram              : 0
 t38_udptl_nat                      : false
 timers                             : yes
 timers_min_se                      : 90
 timers_sess_expires                : 1800
 tone_zone                          : 
 tos_audio                          : 0
 tos_video                          : 0
 transport                          : transport-wss
 trust_connected_line               : yes
 trust_id_inbound                   : true
 trust_id_outbound                  : false
 use_avpf                           : true
 use_pin                            : no
 use_ptime                          : false
 user_eq_phone                      : false
 voicemail_extension                : 
 webrtc                             : yes

I’ve done a bit more testing and, as far as I can tell, it is network related. I can see the SIP qualify packet is sent by the server. On the client side with Wireshark I can see the packet arrives and we reply. The packet is received on the working server but not on the server where the client shows as unavailable. Does anyone know what network configuration might cause this? This isn’t a case of NAT. Both the server and client addresses are correct. Thank you for your help.

I finally found the problem. I finally noticed the “sip.Parser | error parsing header ‘From’” in the browser console. When I used the ‘from_domain’ option in the endpoint then it worked. By default the From in Asterisk uses the hostname. The problem came from the naming scheme on our production servers have leading digits. Even though, in my opinion, these are correct hostnames, SIP.js doesn’t like it. If I use the ‘from_domain’ to change it to anything without a leading digit then it works. The working systems just happened to have hostnames without leading digits.

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