WARNING[32025]: netsock2.c:210 ast_sockaddr_split_hostport: Port missing in (null)

I get this’s error in console Asterisk.
WARNING[32025]: netsock2.c:210 ast_sockaddr_split_hostport: Port missing in (null)
searching in google not get result.
tell me please what is it can be.

There is not enough information to really answer this. We’d need to know the version of Asterisk, what you’re doing, and also more console output.

i’m sorry. We used Asterisk 14.3.0 with PJSIP and REALTIME. Dialplan read on AEL.

[2017-02-16 16:04:32] WARNING[11078]: res_pjsip_pubsub.c:3099 pubsub_on_rx_publish_request: No registered publish handler for event presence
[2017-02-16 16:04:32] WARNING[8080]: res_pjsip_pubsub.c:640 subscription_get_handler_from_rdata: No registered subscribe handler for event presence.winfo
[2017-02-16 16:04:33] WARNING[32025]: netsock2.c:210 ast_sockaddr_split_hostport: Port missing in (null)
[2017-02-16 16:04:35] WARNING[32025]: netsock2.c:210 ast_sockaddr_split_hostport: Port missing in (null)
[2017-02-16 16:04:37] WARNING[32025]: netsock2.c:210 ast_sockaddr_split_hostport: Port missing in (null)

Nothing sticks out in the information you’ve provided which would explain it. As it’s not a common issue impacting everyone I’d suspect it is configuration or environment specific.

in what direction i can see on this error

I’m not sure what you are asking. The log doesn’t give any indication as to what the error message is directly from. It could be a result of a call or something else.

thank! I’m find error. CORE SET DEBUG 99 make magic.
ConnectedLineNum: 89184646502
ConnectedLineName: (362)89184646502***KRASNODAR
Language: ru
Context: outgoing
Exten: 09000000
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1487257655.2044
Linkedid: 1487257647.2043
From: (null)
RTT: 0.0005
SSRC: 0x217fd44a
PT: 201(RR)
ReportCount: 0

That’s an RTCP event, and it appears as though we don’t know our own local address. I’d suggest filing an issue[1] complete with console output including debug.

[1] https://issues.asterisk.org/jira