OK, I explain…
My dialplan is :
exten => s,1,dial(sip/${EXTEN}@xxxxx) -> Route 1
exten => s,2,dial(sip/${EXTEN}@yyyyy) -> Route 2
So, first I want to use the provider xxxxx
THEN, if I cannot place the call with xxxxx ( for any reason ), I want to use yyyyyy
Now, I have a route, via our PSTN line, which is free for 5 hours and very good quality, etc…( for exemple )…
So, my dialplan is still :
exten => s,1,dial(sip/${EXTEN}@xxxxx) -> Route 1 -> for the PSTN line
exten => s,2,dial(sip/${EXTEN}@yyyyy) -> Route 2
exten => s,2,dial(sip/${EXTEN}@ttttttt) -> Route 3
But this time, I want to use Route1 WITH my PSTN line ( I have a gateway for that)
BUT, I want to use this ROUTE1 only for 5 hours…
THEN, I want to use ONLY Route2 or Route3
So, I need to make understand the Asterisk server, that after 5 hours of use of the Route1, I want to use Route2 and Route 3 only
Now, if a communication is engaged, I agree, I would prefer NOT a hard cut… that would be quite nasty for our customers… 
This is absolutely independant of the day of the week or the time of the day
That’s why I wonder if there is a way to get a duration call of a communication ?