I have an asterisk server that I’ve set with a SIP trunk. I can properly initiate external and internal call… but I am unable to receive external call.
I’ve tried to activate "pjsip set logger on » in the console so I can see the logs… but nothing is displayed concerning a incoming call.
The SIP provider can see the missing call through their interface but they ask me to pay them 150€/ hour to help me fix it (they say that the problem is on my side)
What I don’t understand is that when I use Wireshark I see an unauthorized request on a sip equipment but I cannot manage that equipment.
Is unauthorized related to an authentication issue on their equipment ?
Is it me that mistaken my pjsip.conf ?
(Attachment captureAppelEntrant.pcapng is missing)
If you type “pjsip set logger on” and don’t see any SIP request, that means it never got to Asterisk or PJSIP is not listening. Do you have chan_sip loaded? It will listen on port 5060 by default and try to handle SIP traffic.
I actually used : module show like chan_sip and it say 0 modules loaded.
I think sip is already inactive.
I added an attachment to the mail that can’t appear on the post.
It was showing the result of my wireshark analysis.
I’m gonna try to put it again.
That should cause it to listen on port 5060, which would seem to indicate that it is perhaps a firewall outside of Asterisk blocking it if you truly do not see SIP traffic with “pjsip set logger on” done.
This isn’t going to work for any normal provider. I guess the identify may cause you to send 401, but you have nothing to authenticate against, and provider is likely to assume that to be the case, and not even try to authenticate.
Even when somewhat meaningful, identify by authuser is inadvisable.
I rather doubt that this is used with outbound authentication, but when used, I’d say it was opening you up to a replay attack.
I asked the provider to give some details but they’re only saying that they respect the MAN legislation and e.164 norms…
I asked if the calls identification are based on ip, username… And I wait their answer…
The operator knows 3CX and freePBX but doesn’t know asterisk itself and cannot help.
They’ll only answer if I pay 150€/h of support with an engineer…
I tried to set identify_by=ip.
Currently I have no difference.
Do you know why the call can go through the trunk from my pbx to the wan but not from the wan to my pbx ? Isn’t it already registered and identified ?
MAN is STIR/SHAKEN which officially goes started in France as of 01/10/2024
Question: did you request certificats with FFT and implement Stir/Shaken is asterisk or is your provider taking care of your certificats and does the job for you?
Not from the provider. Are you registered at ARCEP and FFT (Federation Francaise des Telecom)? If yes, you have to deal with them to get certificats and sign your calls for your numbers. If you’re not, the provider from where you have your numbers should do it for you.