Troubles with SIP provider using realtime: what I miss?

This is my sql part of pjsip configuration

insert into ps_aors (id, contact, max_contacts, qualify_frequency, outbound_proxy) values ('tim-uscita', '', 1, 60, 'PROXYIPCORRECT');
insert into ps_registrations (id, retry_interval, max_retries, expiration, transport, outbound_auth, client_uri, server_uri ) values ('tim-uscita', 20, 10, 120, 'transport-udp', 'tim-uscita', '', 'sip:PROXYIPTCORRECT:5060');
insert into ps_auths (id, auth_type, password, username) values ('tim-uscita', 'userpass', 'MYPASS', '+MYNUMBER');
insert into ps_endpoints (id, context, disallow, allow, outbound_proxy, inband_progress, from_user, from_domain, tone_zone, language, auth, outbound_auth, aors) values ('tim-uscita', 'uscita', 'all', 'ulaw,alaw,gsm,speex,opus,ilbc', 'sip:PROXYIPCORRECT:5060', 'yes', '+MYNUMBER', '', 'it', 'it', 'tim-uscita', 'tim-uscita', 'tim-uscita');

insert into ps_aors (id, contact, max_contacts, qualify_frequency, outbound_proxy) values ('tim-entrata', '', 1, 60, 'PROXYIPCORRECT');
insert into ps_auths (id, auth_type, password, username) values ('tim-entrata', 'userpass', 'MYPASS', '+MYNUMBER');
insert into ps_endpoints (id, context, disallow, allow, rtp_symmetric, force_rport, rewrite_contact, inband_progress, tone_zone, language, auth, outbound_auth, aors) values ('tim-entrata', 'entrata', 'all', 'ulaw,alaw,gsm,speex,opus,ilbc', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'it', 'it', 'tim-entrata', 'tim-entrata', 'tim-entrata');

I restart asterisk, and provider seems to register correctly

tim-uscita/sip:PROXYIP:5060 tim-uscita Registered (exp. 233s)

In extensions.conf I use this

; Tim uscita
exten => _XXXXX.,1,NoOp()
same => n,Set(CALLERID(number)=mynumber)
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/tim-uscita/${EXTEN},30,tTkK)
same => n,Hangup()

; Tim entrata
exten = +mynumber,1,NoOp()
same => n,GoTo(local,1001,1)
same  => n,Playtones(congestion)
same = n,Hangup()

I made a call andā€¦

 == Setting global variable 'PHONEEXTNUMBER' to 'MYUMBER'
[Jan 21 12:39:53] ERROR[5131]: res_pjsip/pjsip_options.c:887 sip_options_qualify_contact: Unable to apply outbound proxy on request to qualify contact
[Jan 21 12:39:58] ERROR[5131]: res_pjsip.c:993 ast_sip_create_dialog_uac: Endpoint 'tim-uscita': Could not create dialog to invalid URI '123456'.  Is endpoint registered and reachable?
[Jan 21 12:39:58] ERROR[5131]: chan_pjsip.c:2702 request: Failed to create outgoing session to endpoint 'tim-uscita'
[Jan 21 12:39:58] NOTICE[5568][C-00000004]: app_dial.c:2705 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'PJSIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)

the number 123456 is the number that I call (of course is fake, the real number is hidden for privacy reason)
What I miss?

An outbound proxy is a SIP URI, not an IP address.

Additionally this:

Is incorrect. It should be:

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This works fine, but call still fall with message

Unable to apply outbound proxy on request to qualify contact...

I have copied the string (of course adapted with my number) from here

If you truly need an outbound proxy, it would likely be this in realtime:

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I put those lines now

insert into ps_aors (id, contact, max_contacts, qualify_frequency, outbound_proxy) values ('tim-uscita', '', 1, 60, 'sip:^3Blr');
insert into ps_aors (id, contact, max_contacts, qualify_frequency, outbound_proxy) values ('tim-entrata', '', 1, 60, insert into ps_aors (id, contact, max_contacts, qualify_frequency, outbound_proxy) values ('tim-uscita', '', 1, 60, 'sip:^3Blr');

but still no calls with the error ā€œUnable to apply outbound proxy on request to qualify contactā€¦ā€

And what does ā€œpjsip show aor tim-uscitaā€ show?

I would also add that trying the .conf file first to verify configuration is generally a good approach, as realtime adds additional complexity.

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Also, you have the outbound proxy set on the endpoint too. If you havenā€™t updated that as well, then that would be a problem.

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It said

 ParameterName        : ParameterValue
 authenticate_qualify : false
 contact              :
 default_expiration   : 3600
 mailboxes            :
 max_contacts         : 1
 maximum_expiration   : 7200
 minimum_expiration   : 60
 outbound_proxy       : sip:ipofproxy:5060;lr
 qualify_frequency    : 60
 qualify_timeout      : 3.000000
 remove_existing      : false
 remove_unavailable   : false
 support_path         : false
 voicemail_extension  :

meanwhile I solved the error of proxy adding the voice ā€œoutbound_proxyā€ in ps_registrations
but the call still fail

Did you update the outbound_proxy on the endpoint?

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Was that the error, thanks for help. I have fix the outbound proxy line everywhere except on endpoint
Next minute I post the configuration, maybe help for other users.

now the problem are call in arrive

: Request 'INVITE' from '<;user=phone>' failed for ''ipofproxy:5060" (callid: p65541t1737464179m292164c127798s2) - No matching endpoint found

Asterisk has to match incoming calls to an endpoint. You havenā€™t configured anything to do so. One option is ā€œlineā€ on the outbound registration which MAY work (it is dependent on the upstream), or configuring an identify to match based on IP address.

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Thanks I will try now. Just a stupid question: i have to specify the ā€œoutbound proxyā€ also for ā€œtim-entrataā€?

Thatā€™s a provider question I have no insight into.

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Now Iā€™m using this sql configuration

insert into ps_aors (id, contact, max_contacts, qualify_frequency, outbound_proxy) values ('tim-uscita', '', 1, 60, 'sip:ipofproxy:5060^3Blr');
insert into ps_registrations (id, retry_interval, max_retries, expiration, transport, outbound_auth, client_uri, server_uri, outbound_proxy) values ('tim-uscita', 20, 10, 120, 'transport-udp', 'tim-uscita', '', '', 'sip:ipofproxy:5060^3Blr');
insert into ps_auths (id, auth_type, password, username) values ('tim-uscita', 'userpass', 'mypass', 'mynumber');
insert into ps_endpoints (id, context, disallow, allow, inband_progress, from_user, from_domain, tone_zone, language, auth, outbound_auth, aors, outbound_proxy) values ('tim-uscita', 'uscita', 'all', 'ulaw,alaw,gsm,speex,opus,ilbc', 'yes', 'mynnumber', '', 'it', 'it', 'tim-uscita', 'tim-uscita', 'tim-uscita', 'sip:ipofproxy:5060^3Blr');
insert into ps_endpoint_id_ips(id,endpoint,`match`) values ('tim-uscita','tim-uscita','');

insert into ps_aors (id, contact, max_contacts, qualify_frequency, outbound_proxy) values ('tim-entrata', '', 1, 60, 'sip:ipofproxy:5060^3Blr');
insert into ps_auths (id, auth_type, password, username) values ('tim-entrata', 'userpass', 'mypasswowrd', 'mynmber');
insert into ps_endpoints (id, context, disallow, allow, rtp_symmetric, force_rport, rewrite_contact, inband_progress, tone_zone, language, auth, outbound_auth, aors) values ('tim-entrata', 'entrata', 'all', 'ulaw,alaw,gsm,speex,opus,ilbc', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'it', 'it', 'tim-entrata', 'tim-entrata', 'tim-entrata');
insert into ps_endpoint_id_ips(id,endpoint,`match`) values ('tim-entrata','tim-entrata','');

I can call without problems, but not receive.

The error is same

"[Jan 21 15:09:11] NOTICE[8461]: res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c:673 log_failed_request: Request 'INVITE' from '<;user=phone>' failed for 'ipofproxy:5060' (callid: p65541t1737468551m1760c30356s2) - No matching endpoint found


Whilst Iā€™ve never used ARA myself, I think that, if I did use it, I would only use it for telephones, not providers, or anything else that was low volume, but potentially difficult to configure.

Having this in a database means it is difficult to make it easily readable to other people, as you end up with large numbers of default settings, to act as noise.

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This is my configuration for extensions.conf

; Tim entrata

exten = +12345,1,NoOp()
;same => n,GoTo(local/1001 && from-dahdi/4002,1,20,t,m)
same => n,GoTo(local/1001 && from-dahdi/4002,1,20,t,m)
same => n,Playtones(congestion)
same = n,Hangup()

I try now with the old good pjsip.conf

This doesnā€™t make sense.

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