Hello all,
We are revamping our helpdesk phones, specifically, we are looking to increase the flexibility of our after hours call system. Currently, if someone calls in after hours, it is routed to the on-call agent, then to an escalation agent. Note that the system is dialing our external cell phones (nextel is the carrier, if it might help) so this isn’t as simple as it first appears (at least not to me).
There are two things we’d like to do:
First, we’d like to be able to ring multiple escalation agents in succession - so we’d ring agent 1 for 15 seconds, then route to agent 2 for 15 seconds, until the chain has been exhausted. This is easy - I can just have several dial strings in a row, no big deal.
Second, we’d like to avoid calls going to our mobile’s voicemail if possible - let’s say my phone is off and I’m second in line. The call will be answered immediately by my voicemail and won’t route to the next person.
So, in reality, we only have one issue.
I thought about setting up a queue and having it ring each phone in turn, but we still come back to the same problem the mobile’s voicemail ending the chain early.
I also looked at using BackGroundDetect, but wanted to see if anyone had any better ideas first.
I’m all ears to any suggestions. Thanks.