Shell script varianace to replace dialplan calledidnumber

Dear man :

I have a case to demo for DID call out :

Because I am junior in asterisk dialplan AGI .

I don’t know what’s difference system() or agi() in dialpaln .

I use a agi shell script ( to do this job ,

I need choice from user name to decide his(or her) call out number .

First : I change dialplan as following to import dialplan variance CALLERID(name) to shell script

    exten => _2NXXXXXXX,n,agi(,"${CALLERID(name)}")
    exten => _2NXXXXXXX,n,agi([agi:// ... runkId=108](agi://
    exten => _2NXXXXXXX,n,NoOp(CALLERID(num): $NUM)

it’s ok , and my shell script is work ,


Using username to assign callerID num.


2014/12/25 JJChiou four release

export PATH

set NUM:

echo " my name is $NAME " > /tmp/var.txt

case “$NAME” in
ceo*) NUM=07010994411 ;;
boss*) NUM=07010994412 ;;
dayze*) NUM=07010994415 ;;
kevin*) NUM=07010994418 ;;
ava*) NUM=07010994419 ;;
carol*) NUM=07010994414 ;;
leo*) NUM=07010994422 ;;
vincent*) NUM=07010994421 ;;
gary*) NUM=07010994417 ;;
kt*) NUM=07010994413 ;;
service*) NUM=07010994416 ;;
*) NUM=07010994410 ;;

Get NUM:
echo " my number is $NUM " >> /tmp/var.txt

export NUM

as I can see it work like as ;

#cat /tmp/var.txt
my name is
my number is 07010994422

How can I export the variance NUM to replace variance CALLERID(num) in dialplan ?


Best Regard


I suppose, you want to set a dynamic callerid num based on the value of the ${CaLLERID(name)} variable.
There are many easier ways to do this …

1- Using GotoIf and Set(CALLERID(num)=${mycallerid}).

2-Using localchannel.

3- Using ExecIf and Set(CALLERID(num)=${mycallerid}).

Thanks your reply .

Your idea is right , RD will do it if the service is formed announced .

But first , RD customize the system , same user can login from hardphone , desktop , or mobile .

So same user account will has several CALLEDED(name), I just need to demo the DID call out function to customer . So I use shell script to choice CALLERID(num) from cllerid(name) . I do the function in shell script , but I need to bring the variance to dialplan and replace original callered(num) .

Does any idea about to do it ?

Im not sure, and I havent test it with a bash script… But I think you can use SHELL() function to execute your script, this function Executes a command using the system shell and captures its output.


exten => 4002,1,Answer
exten => 4002,n,Set(RESULT=${SHELL(date +%s)})
exten => 4002,n,NoOp(${RESULT})
exten => 4002,n,Hangup

Thanks your opion, but the url tell us "If you need to return a specific value (string) to the dialplan then use either AGI or SHELL as introduced in Asterisk 1.6.0."

Since not any parameter to the shell script .

ear all :

I solved the problem :
the default asterisk let 16 parameter from dialplan to agi ,
first : I import CALLERID(name) to shell script .

second :


Using username to assign callerID num.


2014/12/25 JJChiou four release

export PATH

set NUM:

#echo " my name is $Name " > /tmp/var.txt

case “$Name” in
ceo*) NUM=07010994411 ;;
boss*) NUM=07010994412 ;;
dayze*) NUM=07010994415 ;;
kevin*) NUM=07010994418 ;;
ava*) NUM=07010994419 ;;
carol*) NUM=07010994414 ;;
leo*) NUM=07010994422 ;;
vincent*) NUM=07010994421 ;;
gary*) NUM=07010994417 ;;
kt*) NUM=07010994413 ;;
service*) NUM=07010994416 ;;
*) NUM=07010994410 ;;

Get NUM:

the parameter CALLERID(num) is carry to dialplan .