Hi there,
Not sure if this is in the right forum but can someone shed some light on the following for me?:
I have around £60k at my disposal. I want to create a VOIP Provider. I have access to any vendor IT Equipment (used) at extremely low costs so the kit is not a problem, I’m unsure how I can provide IPDC calls through the BT Core Network to PSTN’s and other VOIP Service Providers.
Can anyone give me some insite into this or is it a case of calling BT here in the UK to find out how?
I’m also looking for people to help setup the hardware and software needed to get this running.
I have a business model where I provide customers with a Trixbox telephone solution which i would like connecting to my own IPDC so I benifit from the call charges going through my IPDC.
I’m technically ok with implementing full Trixbox solutions but don’t know where to start when it comes to providing an IPDC service to my VOIP customers.
Can anyone give me a call or drop me a mail to shed some light?