Sending extra * DTMF

I’m working on a piece of code that sends DTMF to callee channel after a delay of 27 seconds. The DTMF is sent once the caller and callee channels are bridged. However, I’m encountering an issue: before the specified DTMF is sent, an unexpected * DTMF is received on the caller channel.

After the 27-second delay, the intended DTMF is sent to the callee channel as expected. Interestingly, when I remove the sendDTMF function, the extra * DTMF event no longer appears.

Has anyone experienced something similar or have insights into what might be causing this behavior?

Using ARI

               channelId: calleeChannelId,
               dtmf: "1",
               before: 27000,

How is DTMF actually being sent from a protocol perspective? RFC4733? If so, look at the actual underlying traffic to see what is actually being sent.

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