nic for lan
nic for dedicated sip-trunk to voip provider
and third nic should be connected to internet connected to second voip-provider.
i cannot use second voipprovider through the dedicated sip-trunk becauce its locked with first voip-provider, they are also our internetprovider so its a physical port for sip-trunk.
Asterisk was not really meant to be used with multiple NICs. You not only need to take care of the routing on the machine, to make sure not only SIP but also RTP traffic uses the right interface, but you also need to convince asterisk to put the right IPs inside SIP messages. You can at most use 2 different IPs with asterisk ( via localnet/externip directives ) so there is no way you will be able to use 3 NIC cards.
It is probably much easier to just put a second box for the the other provider and to trunk between the 2 boxes via SIP or IAX2. Alternatively you could put more intelligent routing SIP software on the same box as asterisk and take care of the routing without second box.
so if one does not set bindadress should it not use the nics ipadress by default?
i found this info:
“The bindaddr setting is used to bind SIP to a specific NIC by its IP address. If you have only one NIC, then SIP will bind to the NIC. If you have multiple NICs, SIP will use all the NICs by default.”
I would have 1 nic for local network
1 nic directly to internet with public ip
1 nic directly to internet with public ip