[RESOLVED]NewCallerid event is generated only once

I have a simple AMI event agent that prints every single event it recieves.
When I dial something like this

exten => _X.,1, SET(CALLERID(all)=123456)
same  =>     n, SET(CALLERID(all)=777777)
same  =>     n, SET(CALLERID(all)=555555)
same  =>     n, SET(CALLERID(all)=444444)
same  =>     n, SET(CALLERID(all)=333333)
same  =>     n, SET(CALLERID(all)=222222)
same  =>     n, SET(CALLERID(all)=111111)
same  =>     n, HangUp()

my event-agent recieves only one event with ‘NewCallerid’ (123456).
Did anyone else faced such problem?
Everything worked fine before upgrade from 1.6 to 11.17

I found a solution by myself.
‘NewCallerid’ event is not generated when CALLERID(name) is empty.
So I have to set it to something harmless like this:

Also, SET(CALLERID(all)=123456) does not set CALLERID(name).

Still I think it is a bug.

More than that the event is generated only if was changed CALLERID(name)
If CALLERID(num) was only changed NewCallerid event is not generated at all

Will be fixed in 11.20