Problem with asterisk 1.4 Installation


After successfully running ./configure I run make. When running make I get the
following error…
[CC] ast_expr2f.c -> ast_expr2f.o
[CC] ast_expr2.c -> ast_expr2.o
[CC] strcompat.c -> strcompat.o
[LD] aelparse.o aelbison.o pbx_ael.o ael_main.o ast_expr2f.o ast_expr2.o strcompat.o -> aelparse
aelparse.o(.text+0x3029): In function ael_yylex': /usr/src/asterisk1/asterisk-1.4.0-beta3/utils/ael.flex:417: undefined reference toast_copy_string’
ast_expr2f.o(.text+0x1198): In function ast_expr': /usr/src/asterisk1/asterisk-1.4.0-beta3/utils/ast_expr2.fl:248: undefined reference toast_copy_string’
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [aelparse] Error…

plz could answer this issue.


Please do not double post.

ok, please could you answer me reg. this issue

plz could you do reply regarding the above issue…