Problem in - please HELP!

Guys please HELP me to figured out what is wrong and how to fix it! Do any one have any ideas what is it:
[] => (Asterisk Extension Language Compiler)
Jan 16 18:55:14 WARNING[8763]: pbx.c:6444 ast_context_verify_includes: Context ‘ael-local’ tries includes nonexistent context 'ael-default’
Jan 16 18:55:14 WARNING[8763]: pbx.c:6444 ast_context_verify_includes: Context ‘ael-local’ tries includes nonexistent context ‘ael-parkedcalls’


are you using ael ? and if not have you an ael.conf ? If you are you have included contexts that dont exist.

If you are not using it you can add an entry in modules.conf not to load the ael module


I have read ael.txt and extensions.conf in doc/ asterisk source .but I am wondering what’s the difference beteween the asterisk.ael and asterisk.conf?
When should I use the astereisk.ael script? BTW,what is the better way to read the asterisk code.Thanks.