This is the scenario.
feature test1 is use to play a message X to the client.
feature test2 execute a macro and have to be used JUST by an internal staff in my company. (My Employes)
Incoming calls from PSTN to our company looks like this:
This part WORKS fine!
exten=>s,n,set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=test1) ; JUST staff on company can run this features
The employes phones (in sip.conf) are configured to use context [phones] to allow my employes (caller) to execute the feature test2 when they make a call (in features.conf)
exten=>_1XXXXXXXXXX,n,set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=test2) ;JUST INTERNAL PHONES CAN EXECUTE test2 when dialing out
HERE IS THE BUG, for example my employ call a client for example to request an invoice, if staff (my internal employe) execute the feature test2 to make a Transfer, then the call is Transfered and answered to another internal phone in the our company…, at this point the CLIENT can execute the feature test2 if press 23 :S and NOT the Staff WHO answered the transfered call. O_O??
I think the BUG is this:
When our employes dial a client and then, our staff press 23 to execute the feature test2 to Transfer the call, OK when the call is Transfered and answered by other of our Staff… At this POINT i think Asterisk Confuse and transform the caller as callee and the callee as caller. Why i think that? Because when the call is Transfered and answered by our internal staff, in that point the STAFF, press 23 trying to Transfer the call to other person again and NOTHING Happen (THE CLIENT HEAR THE DIGITS) and the CLIENT is allowed to ACT as the caller for that reason he can execute the feature test2 (23)
Please… I just want this work fine…