Please help Installing asterisk on REd hat 9

Hi i have downloaded and extracted the zaptel drivers ver 1.4.9

i have successfully run Make clean and ./configure, but when i run make install i get the following error:

/usr/bin/ar crvs libmxml.a mxml-attr.o mxml-entity.o mxml-file.o mxml-index.o mxml-node.o mxml-search.o mxml-set.o mxml-private.o mxml-string.o
a - mxml-attr.o
a - mxml-entity.o
a - mxml-file.o
a - mxml-index.o
a - mxml-node.o
a - mxml-search.o
a - mxml-set.o
a - mxml-private.o
a - mxml-string.o
ranlib libmxml.a
make[3]: Leaving directory /usr/src/zaptel-1.4.9/menuselect/mxml' gcc -o menuselect menuselect.o strcompat.o menuselect_curses.o mxml/libmxml.a mxml/libmxml.a -lncurses make[2]: Leaving directory/usr/src/zaptel-1.4.9/menuselect’
make[1]: Leaving directory /usr/src/zaptel-1.4.9/menuselect' make[1]: Entering directory/usr/src/zaptel-1.4.9’
make -C kernel HOTPLUG_FIRMWARE=no BUILD_TOPDIR_MODULES=“pciradio tor2 torisa wcfxo wct1xxp wctdm wcte11xp wcusb zaptel ztd-eth ztd-loc ztdummy ztdynamic” BUILD_SUBDIR_MODULES=“wct4xxp wcte12xp” modules
make[2]: Entering directory /usr/src/zaptel-1.4.9/kernel' o makefw makefw.c make[2]: o: Command not found make[2]: [makefw] Error 127 (ignored) ./makefw pciradio.rbt radfw > radfw.h /bin/sh: line 1: ./makefw: No such file or directory make[2]: *** [radfw.h] Error 127 make[2]: Leaving directory/usr/src/zaptel-1.4.9/kernel’
make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/zaptel-1.4.9’
make: *** [all] Error 2
[root@N2SC-Voip-1 zaptel-1.4.9]#

What does this mean ?

Is there any reason why you are not running a newer OS version? RH9 is pretty old now. The newer free options would be Fedora 6 or later or CentOS 4.5 or later.

Personally I like CentOS better as its a clone of RHEL and more stable than the Fedora releases.

You need to have a Kernel 2.6 for installation of Zaptel 1.4.6 on Redhat 9