Outgoing call and ring timeout problem

hI all,

I need a little help :smiley:

sorry for my bad english, iā€™m italian :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™ve a x100p clone, asterisk v. 1.2.6 and zaptel 1.2.5. The my problem is:

In the outgoing I prefer that the call will hangup after two or more ring.

I have tried this configuration in extensions.conf :

exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN},20,tTo)

but donā€™t work ā€¦ 20 seconds = 5 ring

in another case , i tried this one :

exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN},2,tTo)

itā€™s work but the timeout is very very short ā€¦ 2 seconds = 0,5 ring

for me this is a very big problem !!!

itā€™s possible resolve this problem ??

itā€™s a bugs on x100p and zaptel driver ??

in the future i hope use a te110p digium wildcard pci e1/t1 ā€¦

I will have the same problem ???

Thanks for your help and support.

when you say ā€œit doesnā€™t workā€ what do you mean ? the first dialstring is the same as the second but for the timeout, and you say the second works but is too short.

zap channel timeouts donā€™t correspond with ringing times, that depends on how quickly your telco connects and gives you ringtone. add that figure to the time required for 2 rings, and use that maybe ?

btw, you need the call answered within 2 rings ā€¦ now thatā€™s ambitious :smiley:

Thanks for your help ā€¦ I the new bie aserisk user ā€¦ you could help me to understand as to be able to settare one call answered within 2 rings or more ?

sorry, donā€™t understand what you want. btw, your english is much better than my italian :smiley:

can you simply adjust your timeout setting in the dialstring until it gives you the required ringtime before giving up ? unfortunately, zap isnā€™t the best (!!) for detecting remote answer (depending on your hardware), so you have to compromise somewhere, or perhaps use a VoIP provider and a SIP or IAX2 trunk ?

sigh sigh ā€¦ my :blush: my english is not very very very well :stuck_out_tongue: ā€¦

I would have to make a call through pstn line ( analogic line ) and then the call if not ansewered within 2 or more rings, the asterisk hangup the line for to begin another call ā€¦

I would have need This for auto dialer applicatios ā€¦

ok. if your telco/zap hardware combination doesnā€™t support answer supervision, then perhaps you should seriously consider using a SIP or IAX2 trunk.

most zap installs iā€™ve seen report the channel as being answered as soon as the number is dialled, which doesnā€™t make too much sense, but is something you either live with, or work around ā€¦ look at the BackgroundDetect application maybe ?

how I can understand if I have requirement in order to use this type of configuration?

which configuration ? consider using the quote button/functions to respond to a particular question/statement.

ask your telco if they provide a polarity reversal on answer ? then you could try adding answeronpolarityswitch = yes in zapata.conf

which configuration ? consider using the quote button/functions to respond to a particular question/statement.

ask your telco if they provide a polarity reversal on answer ? then you could try adding answeronpolarityswitch = yes in zapata.conf[/quote]

I presume that the italian telephone line supporting the supervision ā€¦ therefore the polarity reversal on answer ā€¦[/img]

donā€™t presume anything. either ask them, or search the 'net. and even then, ask them.

if itā€™s important to you to use the zap trunks for this purpose, and you need to establish whether your system is going to work, then itā€™s worth a phonecall.

if they do provide a reversal on answer, and you still donā€™t get any luck with the X100P, then you next need to consider upgrading your hardware. ime, the Sangoma AFT200 works wells with answeronpolarityswitch, but my TDM400 doesnā€™t.