I’m using a fresh install of 16.8-cert 8. TLS works fine but if I enable media_encryption=sdes outbound calls fail. I either get CHANUNAVAIL or it acts like it is going to connect then times out and disconnects but the error log looks nearly the same. I thought it might be an issue with the voip provider but the attached capture says it might be a bug so I wanted to check it out before contacting them.
beaglebone*CLI> [Jun 6 04:43:08] ERROR[2451]: res_pjsip_session.c:5044 create_local_sdp: PJSIP/telnyx-00No such command '[Jun 6 04:43:08] ERROR[2451]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3705 rtp_allocate_transport: Oh dear... we couldn't allocate a port for RTP instance '0xb471d4e0'' (type 'core show help for other possible commands)
No such command '[Jun 6 04:43:08] WARNING[2451]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2783 dtls_srtp_stop_timeout_timer: Unable to cancel schedule ID 0. This is probably a bug (res_rtp_asterisk.c: dtls_srtp_stop_timeout_timer, line 2783).' (type 'core show help for other possible commands)
No such command '[Jun 6 04:43:08] ERROR[2451]: res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:249 create_rtp: Unable to create RTP ibeaglebone*CLI> [Jun 6 04:43:08] ERROR[2451]: res_pjsip_session.c:5044 create_local_sdp: PJSIP/telnyx-0000000b: Couldn't add sdp streams for stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (ulaw)
This is very confusing to read. It looks like you pasted part of the log into the CLI terminal and then scraped the resulting error messages.
Please use the log files (as text) not a screen scrape, and, if possible, post them in line, marked up as pre-formatted text.
Yes, I meant call legs. Odd ports are always RTCP, but I don’t remember what the code does if you specify an odd port for the end. I want to say it would result in 4 call legs.
The web post didn’t show the escape character. The file has one. I tried increasing the ports to 30. It may have had an effect. Changed the errors some but still getting CHANUNAVAIL. Doesn’t seen to be complaining about “no such command” now. I’m beginning to think SRTP isn’t ready for prime time at the provider.
Oh, my gosh. Originally I was on 16.3 and discovered lib_srtp was not installed on the OS. Then when I rebuilt everything on 16.8 I made sure res_srtp was included when I ran configure but I never gave modules.conf a thought. I’ve really wanted to enable tls/srtp every since they started to become available. This is for our “daily driver”. Thank you.