[OT] isql error with MariaDB connector 3.1.15


I’ve upgraded to Debian 12.5/Asterisk 20.7.0/ODBC_MariaDB 3.1.15 a previously running Debian 11.7/Asterisk 18.8.0/ODBC_MariaDB 3.1.9 instance.

After upgrade, I’m seeing this:
isql -vvv foobar
[S1000][unixODBC][ma-3.1.15]Unknown system variable ‘session_track_schema’

This seems to relate to [1] and one way to solve to to upgrade to 3.1.16
[1] https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/ODBC-362

At the same time, connecting to DB with mysql binary works OK.

While this issue really seems outside Asterisk’s scope, I’ll be curious to share experience on it in this list.

  1. Have you also met this ?
  2. If positive, is there a way to work around this ?

Best regards