Oracle CDR logger and Oracle realtime driver


I have written an Oracle CDR logger and Oracle realtime driver.
They has been tested on our servers running SuSE8.2 and SuSE9.3, Oracle 9ir2.
Version of Asterisk is 1.2.0-beta1
They are downloadable from

With best regards, Alexander

Well done, will definately give it a shot. Do you have a README to accompany this with details on how best to compile and install?

ОК, I shall write

Cool! Just better to have a little something for those that want to test and provide feedback.

For compile and install oci8 modules:

  1. Copy cdr_oci8.c and cdr-Makefile.diff to “cdr” subdirectory of Asterisk source tree, then apply Makefile
    patch (patch < cdr-Makefile.diff) in this subdirectory.

  2. Copy res_config_oci8.c and res-Makefile.diff to “res” subdirectory of Asterisk source tree, then apply path
    (patch < res-Makefile.diff) in this subdirectory.

  3. Cd to top level directory of Asterisk sources and run “make”

  4. For install new modules run “make install”

I have added examples of configuration files and SQL scripts for creation of tables. See .

Invalid link in this post to the FTP site.

Link is .

I’ve been trying to compile my Asterisk with yours cdr_oci8.c and some questions appeared:

  1. Can I install it with only Oracle Instant Client installed on my server, because My Oracle Database Server is on another host.

  2. Have you ever installed Oracle Instant Client ?! I’m kind of new on Oracle applications, and when I unzipped it, no install file appeared and I really don’t know where to put the unzipped files and how to enable Asterisk to read them to compile cdr_oci.c

I really enjoyed your initiative, Oracle has been a lack on Asterisk. I would apreciate any help you can give me.

Thanks in advance