I’m building a minimal asterisk PBX using SIP phones(Yealink T19P E2).
In my configuration, the extension resisters normally, but the state is “INVALID”. Why is that?
pabx*CLI> pjsip show endpoints
Endpoint: <Endpoint/CID.....................................> <State.....> <Channels.>
I/OAuth: <AuthId/UserName...........................................................>
Aor: <Aor............................................> <MaxContact>
Contact: <Aor/ContactUri..........................> <Hash....> <Status> <RTT(ms)..>
Transport: <TransportId........> <Type> <cos> <tos> <BindAddress..................>
Identify: <Identify/Endpoint.........................................................>
Match: <criteria.........................>
Endpoint: 200 Invalid 0 of 1
InAuth: 200-iauth/200
Aor: 200 10
Contact: 200/sip:200@ 3af0ce3a43 NonQual nan
Transport: transport-udp udp 0 0
Objects found: 1
My pjsip_wizard.conf
type = wizard
transport = transport-udp
accepts_auth = yes
accepts_registrations = yes
has_hint = no
;hint_context = Hints
endpoint/context = Internal
endpoint/disallow = all
endpoint/allow = g722,g729,alaw,ulaw,opus
auth/auth_type = userpass
aor/max_contacts = 10
;hint_exten = 200
endpoint/auth = 200
endpoint/aors = 200
endpoint/device_state_busy_at = 1
endpoint/allow_subscribe = yes
inbound_auth/username = 200
inbound_auth/password = SOMEPASSWORD
pabx*CLI> core show settings
PBX Core settings
Version: 20.4.0
Maximum calls: Not set
Maximum open file handles: 1024
Root console verbosity: 6
Current console verbosity: 3
Debug level: 0
Trace level: 0
Dump core on crash: No
Core dump file: core
Maximum load average: 0.000000
Minimum free memory: 0 MB
Startup time: 17:56:27
Last reload time: 17:56:27
System: Linux/6.1.0-11-amd64 built by root on x86_64 2023-09-06 22:25:00 UTC
System name:
Entity ID: 52:54:00:18:90:8c
PBX UUID: xxxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx
Default language: en
Language prefix: Enabled
User name and group: asterisk/asterisk
Running directory: /
Executable includes: Disabled
Transcode via SLIN: Enabled
Transmit silence during rec: Disabled
Generic PLC: Disabled
Generic PLC on equal codecs: Disabled
Hide Msg Chan AMI events: Disabled
Min DTMF duration:: 80
Cache media frames: Enabled
RTP use dynamic payloads: 1
RTP dynamic payload types: 35-63,96-127
* Subsystems
Manager (AMI): Disabled
Web Manager (AMI/HTTP): Disabled
Call data records: Enabled
Realtime Architecture (ARA): Disabled
* Directories
Configuration file: /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
Configuration directory: /etc/asterisk
Module directory: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
Spool directory: /var/spool/asterisk
Log directory: /var/log/asterisk
Run/Sockets directory: /var/run/asterisk
PID file: /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.pid
VarLib directory: /var/lib/asterisk
Data directory: /var/lib/asterisk
ASTDB: /var/lib/asterisk/astdb
IAX2 Keys directory: /var/lib/asterisk/keys
AGI Scripts directory: /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
My pjsip.conf
type = global
user_agent = Asterisk PBX
debug = yes
type = transport
protocol = udp
bind =
local_net =