Hey All,
I have been wanting to try out setting up Asterisk for some time now. I have tons of Linux experience but no PBX and a little VoiP experience. I am looking for advice on how to setup Asterisk for my kid’s school. They are a small non-profit and hence don’t have a ton of cash to spend on hardware.
They would need 1 phone per classroom and several for the office for a total of around 12. I imagine analog phones are cheaper, but dont know how these would connect to the asterisk server? They currently are using BellSouth for standard PSTN. From the documentation that I have read so far this requires a telephony card. Which would be best for this setup? If it is much simpler/cost effective, I may be able to get them to switch to VoiP. The only providers that offer LNP for our area are Lingo (no worky with asterisk) and Packet8 or AT&T CallVantage Service (not sure if it works).
I realise that there are probably several hundered different answers to this question, but I would appreciate any similar stories/experiences that can help me out here. There seem to be a ton of docs on how to setup linux (dont need) and asterisk, but not so much on how all the hardware pieces (telephony/analog phones) fit together.