Everything went perfectly well according to the instructions but it appears it never created a database file in /var/lib/asterisk
How do I go about getting the database file? I do have mysql running on the machine for other purposes but from what I understand asterisk doesn’t by default use mysql.
Also, when I run asterisk -vvvgc from the console and read the output it appears that there are a few folders in which I have the incorrect permissions. What permissions do I need to set on the folders that asterisk uses?
Alright well just today I upgraded to 10.04 (not 10.10) and reinstalled asterisk using the software center and I allowed it to recreate the configuration files for me. This time it did in fact create an astdb file in /var/lib/asterisk. It’s showing as asterisk.asterisk and not root.root (664). But I was able to connect to asterisk by entering sudo asterisk -r in the terminal and get the CLI. So I think I’m in good shape as far as the install goes. Now I just need to move on to the configuring portion of asterisk.