I can send messages to a sip peer using MessageSend from other peer, but who is receiving the message the sender is identify as asterisk
insted of the sender name:
The extension 7022 send the text “Hello World” to 7028.
exten => _X.,1,NoOp(MESSAGE(from): ${MESSAGE(from)})
same => n,NoOp(MESSAGE(to): ${MESSAGE(to)})
same => n,NoOp(MESSAGE(body): ${MESSAGE(body)})
same => n,MessageSend(sip:${SIPPEER(${EXTEN},ip)}:${SIPPEER(${EXTEN},port)})
same => n,NoOp(Message send status: ${MESSAGE_SEND_STATUS})
same => n,HangUp()
How the text message is received on sip 7028:
The problem is that the CallerID is coming as asterisk
insted of the number of the peer 7022
I believe that it would have to be like this:
10:30:40: 7022@ (7022)
Hello World
How can I make it identify correctlly the sender of the message.