Looking for Updated Asterisk install on CURRENT CentOS

Hey there,

I’m Jason, new to this place. I have a customer that is looking to lower their phone bill and I mentioned to him about setting up Asterisk server and running their own phone service.
I have a CentOS box downstairs so I figured that I would work with that and getting a development box running to get used to the software.
I’ve searched around but I’ve not seen to much for CentOS and Asterisk, that is up to date.
Is there a link that someone could pass along so that I may getting working on this? Would be very greatly appreciated.


There may be RPMs that one can use, but I just install from source on Centos and all works well.

I guess what I’m wondering is:


I found this link that seems to be very helpful but it seems to be outdated.

voip-info.org/wiki/view/Cent … stallation

He puts in a number of dependencies and I’m curious which ones are null now with a few updates to both the software and the OS.
Suppose I could just follow along and put in what is new, see what breaks :smiley:

If you are missing something, just google the error message that the compiler displays and you’ll quickly find what packages you must install.

On the asterisk.org download page is this…

Install From Yum Repo

For information on installing Asterisk and associated software on RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS Linux 5 from the Digium yum repository see the yum installation how-to page.[/code]