Is ti possible to connect asterisk with another webrtc (not asterisk) using sdp offer

I want to ask, is it possible to connect asterisk with another webrtc that using webhook send sdp offer and create sdp answer and send it back to another webrtc server (maybe using ari). for example:
I’ve got SDP offer from webhook and I want to send it to asterisk server to connect it (for IVR process)

Is it possible or not? sorry if the question is not clear enough

No, not unless you write a channel driver to do so. The only supported WebRTC channel driver is PJSIP.

I was looking to achieve something like this the other day, but with chat (like Telegram). I wanted the chat message to be sent via the existing Asterisk SIP SIMPLE messaging architecture. What I realised is that most chat platforms have a Webhook API, so all you would need to do is point the Webhook at the Asterisk Instance, and interpret the incoming message, from there pipe this down to the already connected WebRTC clients.

exten => s,n,MessageSend(sip:${TO_SIP},${FROM_SIP})

In your case however, this is then an SDP. As jcolp said… you cannot ask asterisk to “make a call with the following SDP”, but what you CAN DO is push yourself the DSP directly. You could use the WebPush subscription. Push API - Web APIs | MDN

In all this tho - i fear you would depart from the Session Initiation Protocol, and be constructing your own… This is quite an undertaking! All the best :grinning:

So if I use PJSIP it can do that? or still need something else. Sorry I’m new in asterisk but I need to know is it possible to connect asterisk with other platform

From what I understand, WhatsApp Business Api does not support VoIP. Also, there appear to be a few providers that offer websocket connections into their service, but WhatsApp is not websocket based. Even if you could tho, what codec? What’s encryption? I don’t think this is a simple case connect Asterisk to WhatsApp and call.

Check: Drive more sales, engagement and better support: Introducing WhatsApp Business Calling from Twilio | Twilio

So maybe next year??

Ok, thankyou for the answer

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