Is this an easy way to add fax?

Hi folks

I haven’t had much luck with FFA and don’t know why. But I recently came across a “Linksys SPA-2102” device, which has “Two voice ports (RJ11) for analog phones or Fax machines”. If I add one of these into the mix, and connect one of the RJ11 ports to my fax machine, and (obviously) set up so that all incoming calls on a certain (external sipgate) number get routed to it… will I have a working fax setup?

The Linksys SPA-2102 is supposed to support T.38, so correctly configured it should work with FFA, but I have no personal experience of the SPA-2102. You might be better off posting the question on the FFA forum.


err that wasn’t quite what I asked. My fault, I didn’t really go into enough detail. Let me start again.

I’m running Asterisk on a dedicated Ubuntu server box. I have two incoming SIP trunks from sipgate, and a half-dozen SIP handsets. It all works well and I’m very pleased with the setup.

Next step is to be able to receive incoming faxes. I have an HP3030 all-in-one which is already connected to the POTS line (and not talking to Asterisk at all at this point), so I can send faxes OK. But receiving them is a problem as I only have one POTS line and would very much like a dedicated fax number. I have earmarked one of my sipgate trunks for this purpose. I’ve tried and tried to get FFA working as this would be ideal - just have it receive the incoming fax, save it as a PDF and email to me. Unfortunately I just can’t get FFA to install. See viewtopic.php?f=28&t=71524 for details.

So I’m exploring the next idea, which is to take a call on the dedicated incoming-fax SIP line and route it through a SIP-to-Analogue device to the fax machine itself, hoping that said fax machine just answers the call and receives the fax as though it was a normal POTS fax call. Yes, this is very much the long way round!

You want to use Asterisk for T.38 passthrough then? Take a look at this: … isk%20T.38 (assuming of course the sipgate support T.38 faxing.)


[quote=“pmlco”]You want to use Asterisk for T.38 passthrough then? Take a look at this: … isk%20T.38 (assuming of course the sipgate support T.38 faxing.)

Oh my goodness, that looks far more complex than I’d hoped.

I have a feeling the root of my FFA problem is that I’m running under a 64-bit OS. So as soon as I get a few hours free I’m going to blat the box with Ubuntu Server 32-bit and start over. Hopefully then I can get FFA running without too much fuss.