[Nov 16 21:56:15] NOTICE[8334]: chan_sip.c:22895 handle_request_invite: Call fro m '' ( to extension '000972592995047' rejected because extensio n not found in context 'default'.
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Nov 16 21:56:17] NOTICE[8334]: chan_sip.c:22895 handle_request_invite: Call fro m '' ( to extension '00972592995047' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Nov 16 21:56:20] NOTICE[8334]: chan_sip.c:22895 handle_request_invite: Call fro m '' ( to extension '900972592995047' rejected because extensio n not found in context 'default'.
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Nov 16 22:59:44] NOTICE[8334]: chan_sip.c:22895 handle_request_invite: Call fro m '' ( to extension '972592871975' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Nov 16 22:59:45] NOTICE[8334]: chan_sip.c:22895 handle_request_invite: Call fro m '' ( to extension '+972592871975' rejected because extensio n not found in context 'default'.
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Nov 16 22:59:46] NOTICE[8334]: chan_sip.c:22895 handle_request_invite: Call fro m '' ( to extension '00972592871975' rejected because extensi on not found in context 'default'.
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Nov 16 22:59:48] NOTICE[8334]: chan_sip.c:22895 handle_request_invite: Call fro m '' ( to extension '900972592871975' rejected because extens ion not found in context 'default'.
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Nov 16 22:59:51] NOTICE[8334]: chan_sip.c:22895 handle_request_invite: Call fro m '' ( to extension '000972592871975' rejected because extens ion not found in context 'default'.
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Nov 16 22:59:52] NOTICE[8334]: chan_sip.c:22895 handle_request_invite: Call fro m '' ( to extension '0000972592871975' rejected because exten sion not found in context 'default'.
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Nov 16 23:00:05] NOTICE[8334]: chan_sip.c:22895 handle_request_invite: Call fro m '' ( to extension '000000972592871975' rejected because ext ension not found in context 'default'.
it seem to be a call try to israel.
The problem is that i don’t have any default extension on my extension.conf nor my sip.conf
is there a way to know more about how this person acceded to my asterisk ? (which sip account ?)
You should set the allowguest=no in order to disallow anonymous calls attempts & also if you dont need remote extensions you shouldn’t open sip public ports in your router/firewall.
Unfortunately, this sort of attack is normal, and it is unlikely that you have been specifically targetted. Anything that is reachable from the internet via port 5060 will receive many attacks a day.
You need to assume that that such attempts will be frequent, and make sure they don’t succeed, rather than worrying about tracking down the source.
There are tools, like fail2ban, that will scan the logs and temporarily block addresses that are making multiple failed attempts, although they can only do so after some have reached Asterisk.
This adds a layer of security in case the allowguest=yes. If you set allowguest=no, the calls are rejected before they reach the dialplan. But to have a Hangup() rule in the default context never hurts