Invalid DTLS-SRTP configuration on RTP error


I have Asterisk 15.3.0 and 15.7.3 running successfully on multiple servers; I can make webrtc to webrtc calls on these servers with no issues. However, I have one server, which was created the same as all my other Asterisk servers, but this particular Asterisk server returns the error shown in the topic. I looked at the source code that throws this error but I still am not sure the root cause. Does anyone have an understanding what dtls->set_configuration is doing. Understanding this may help me resolve the root cause of my issue.

Thank you,

It calls into res_rtp_asterisk.c and executes the ast_rtp_dtls_set_configuration function. There are various reasons there where it may fail, such as the module not being loaded or OpenSSL not creating a context.

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