Hungup Problem

I’ve install asterisk@home (latest version).and works fine.
But its not hungup properly
i am getting the errror messeage is below

– SIP/205-2278 is ringing
– SIP/205-2278 is ringing
– SIP/205-2278 is ringing
– SIP/205-2278 is ringing
– Got SIP response 480 “Temporarily Unavailable” back from X.X.X.X
– SIP/205-2278 is circuit-busy
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)
– Stopped music on hold on Zap/3-1
– Executing GosubIf(“Zap/3-1”, “0?docfu|1”) in new stack
– Executing NoOp(“Zap/3-1”, “Voicemail is novm”) in new stack
– Executing GotoIf(“Zap/3-1”, “1?s-CONGESTION|1”) in new stack
– Goto (macro-exten-vm,s-CONGESTION,1)
– Executing Congestion(“Zap/3-1”, “”) in new stack
Pls any one help me out.

[quote=“linuxonline”] – Got SIP response 480 “Temporarily Unavailable” back from X.X.X.X
– SIP/205-2278 is circuit-busy[/quote]

isn’t this a bit of a giveaway ? 205 is reporting to Asterisk that’s it unavailable. what is on 205 ?

[quote=“baconbuttie”][quote=“linuxonline”] – Got SIP response 480 “Temporarily Unavailable” back from X.X.X.X
– SIP/205-2278 is circuit-busy[/quote]

isn’t this a bit of a giveaway ? 205 is reporting to Asterisk that’s it unavailable. what is on 205 ?[/quote]


205 is a ext number

[quote=“baconbuttie”][quote=“linuxonline”] – Got SIP response 480 “Temporarily Unavailable” back from X.X.X.X
– SIP/205-2278 is circuit-busy[/quote]

isn’t this a bit of a giveaway ? 205 is reporting to Asterisk that’s it unavailable. what is on 205 ?[/quote]

205 is a extn number
The problem is not hungup properly
i am getting the errror messeage of last line is below
when ever i am getting this mesg i have to restart the pc or remove the telephone line and put it back.

– Executing Congestion(“Zap/3-1”, “”) in new stack

Pls any one help me out.

[quote=“linuxonline”]Pls any one help me out.[/quote]no-one here has mind-reading facilities (yet). you’ll need to post the relevant context entries from extensions.conf.


The below file is extensions_additionals.conf file

include => ext-local-custom
exten => 201,1,Macro(exten-vm,201,201)
exten => 201,hint,SIP/201
exten => ${VM_PREFIX}201,1,Macro(vm,201,DIRECTDIAL)
exten => 202,1,Macro(exten-vm,202,202)
exten => 202,hint,SIP/202
exten => ${VM_PREFIX}202,1,Macro(vm,202,DIRECTDIAL)
exten => 203,1,Macro(exten-vm,203,203)
exten => 203,hint,SIP/203
exten => ${VM_PREFIX}203,1,Macro(vm,203,DIRECTDIAL)
exten => 204,1,Macro(exten-vm,204,204)
exten => 204,hint,SIP/204
exten => ${VM_PREFIX}204,1,Macro(vm,204,DIRECTDIAL)
exten => 205,1,Macro(exten-vm,205,205)
exten => 205,hint,SIP/205
exten => ${VM_PREFIX}205,1,Macro(vm,205,DIRECTDIAL)
exten => 206,1,Macro(exten-vm,206,206)
exten => 206,hint,SIP/206
exten => ${VM_PREFIX}206,1,Macro(vm,206,DIRECTDIAL)
exten => 207,1,Macro(exten-vm,207,207)
exten => 207,hint,SIP/207
exten => ${VM_PREFIX}207,1,Macro(vm,207,DIRECTDIAL)
exten => 208,1,Macro(exten-vm,novm,208)
exten => 208,hint,SIP/208
exten => 209,1,Macro(exten-vm,novm,209)
exten => 209,hint,SIP/209

; end of [ext-local]

pls help me

you’re still missing the crucial bits of the dialplan. somewhere in the 'plan is a Congestion() statement … why it’s there i don’t know, but you need to find it, see what leads up to it and either work it out yourself or post it here for help.

or maybe try the A@H/TrixBox forums … perhaps someone else is having the same issue ??

[quote=“baconbuttie”]you’re still missing the crucial bits of the dialplan. somewhere in the 'plan is a Congestion() statement … why it’s there i don’t know, but you need to find it, see what leads up to it and either work it out yourself or post it here for help.

or maybe try the A@H/TrixBox forums … perhaps someone else is having the same issue ??[/quote]


Now I I understand what the problem is when ever I choose the concept of Digital Receptionist the incoming calls are not hung up pls help me out. I am configure this one via GUI mode
There only two check boxes is there Enable Directory and Enable direct Dial
And there option is three options is there
0 — 205 (205 is a extension)
i — 202 (202 is a extension)
t — 202 (202 is a extension)

‘i’ is used when the caller pushes an invalid button, and ‘t’ is used when there is no response.
Pls help me out