How to get/configure Signaling IP and Media IP

How to get/configure Signaling IP and Media IP for Asterisk server. Does it need any additional hardware ? I have Asterisk server installed on CentOS. Is it a IP of the machine? I am looking for below. Do we have any command to check this ? Is it needed only for PSTN or hardware device. ? Is it needed for softphone as well?

Signaling IP address for IOT: [IP Address]
Media IP address for IOT: [IP Address]

Sorry I have multiple doubts. But your help is appreciated.

Signalling IP is the address used for SIP packets.

Media IP is the address used for RTP and RTCP packets.

In simple cases these are the only addresses for the device, so the choice is trivial. However, NAT can complicate thinks on the Asterisk side, and it is not uncommon for peer systems to use different machines to handle signalling and media, although you generally only care if you are fighting something like NAT and cannot trust the addresses actually send in the SIP and SDP.

Thanks David for your response. Could you please help how to get SIP and RTP packet IP. We are using NAT as well as a security reasons and how to overcome the challenge we may face due to NAT?

Your help is appreciated.

Ask the person that configured your NAT router.