How to close AMI connections?

Because you have configured the conference bridge to record?

Most probably, these two threads ( mixmonitor & my own recording module ) are in deadlock state… Because, I use channel while making vox disabled call recording. And there is no problem in that scenario …

According to the link you provided above, I re-compiled and re-started Asterisk after changing compiler flags as required. But the problem is that ;

I can not apply my scenario, and can not make call any call. When I start the call, asterisks ends itself… @jcolp, Do you have any idea about it ?

I narrowed the area where deadlock has occured. There is a method which created rtsp_session before sending voice to the servers.

AST_LIST_HEAD_STATIC(seslist, rtsp_session);

		if (!AST_LIST_EMPTY(&seslist)) {
			AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&seslist, s, list) {
			         //There are socket specific codes here

When I remove the AST_LIST_LOCK, AST_LIST_UNLOCK while making call via Confbridge, there is no deadlock problem… But, If I remove these declarations, there can be other type of problems. Is there anything wrong about the usage of these methods ?

There is nothing inherently wrong with that. It likely depends on other usage and code in your custom module.

Hi @jcolp,
As I guess at the beginning, the problem is clearly because of AMI Hook which I used to watch talking status. Here is the ami hook impl ;

static int amihook_helper(int category, const char *event, char *content)
    ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, " AMI Event: \nCategory: %d Event: %s\n%s\n", category, event, content);
    char *found;
    char *event_content = content;
    const char *talking_status = "TalkingStatus";
    char *result = strstr( event_content, talking_status );
    //Check if the event content contains keyword we looking for. 
    found = strstr(event_content, talking_status);

    struct rtsp_session *session;
    struct ast_channel *chan = ast_channel_get_by_name(chan_uniqueid);
    session = get_rtsp_session_by_name_locked(session_name);

    if( found != NULL)
        if (ast_channel_recording( chan ))
                int position = 15;
                char *substr = substring( found, position,4);
                substr = trim_space( substr );
                ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"\n amihook_helper::substring=%s, length=%d, Session state=%d \n\n", substr, strlen(substr),  session->state);
                //Client is talking
                if( !strcmp(substr, "on") )
                     //Start recordig
                     **ast_channel_recording( chan )->start(chan);**                                           
                //Client is NOT talking
                else if( !strcmp(substr, "off") )
                    //Stop recording
                    **rtsp_pause( session );**
    return 0;

When I catch the states of client talking/not talking, I start /stop recordings. This is the cause of problem. When I do not call methods which start/stop recordings, I can make calls recurrently… Although I detect the cause of non working case, nothing comes to mind to solve it… Do you have any suggestion ?

Just guessing based on things, but you retrieve an RTSP session and it is locked on return. I see nowhere in your hook that you unlock it, so the next time it would be used it would likely deadlock and go nowhere.