My organization is using Asterisk for making outgoing calls. We are using a PRI (T1) line to make calls and we do it by using eyeBeam SIP phones. Is it possible for us to change the caller id (the person receiving the call should get our main office number)? Our dialplan is given below:
exten => _84XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30,tr)
exten => _84XX,2,Hangup
;exten => _9XXXXXXXXX,1,SetCallerPres(allowed)
;exten => _9XXXXXXXXX,2,SetCIDNum(0140411180)
exten => _9XXXXXXXXX,3,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN},30,tr)
exten => _9XXXXXXXXX,4,Hangup
Do i need to make changes in any other file? Please help me regarding this.
Kurian Mathew Thayil.