Help working example sought

Was wondering if any kind person could help me please?

I’m after a working example (obviously usernames & passwords removed) of the following files;
[any other files needed to make it work]

I’m after a simple setup, 2 extensions and using for my provider. I’m not even entirely sure what format I should be sending the numbers to them (i.e. do I need to dial 00442088240117 for a local UK number;0208 824 0117). No dial in required, firewall all opened up for relevant ports, etc (the networking side I’m fine with).

I know it is a strange request, but have been round the houses with different versions;, 1.8, and the asterisknow install on my VMware box.

i’d like to run this on my NAS using version if possible.

Thanks for any help.

regards, Adrian

They are in the configs directory of the source tree.

Thanks David, I even bought the book, and it just doesn’t seem to work or get some form of weirdness.
Going back to brass tacks (what I know, rather than what I don’t) and going to configure up my cisco 7970G for a direct connection to my voip provider. plus found sipgate do a free UK number to SIP account, so will diversify my efforts as not getting anywhere fast with this one as is very frustrating.
might play around with the extra line buttons and asterisk if I get bored :wink:

thanks anyway.
cheers Adrian