this context is for 1 sip only, if my extension number is 100 i can call…
but I need one context for all channels…
i have 24 khomp channels, 15 channels can make calls, and the other 9 cant make…
how i can make this work ?
Sorry about this bad english,i’m from Brazil !
Thank you guys !
If the khomp is a dahdi device, just give them different contexts.
If it is a SIP device, does it identify the channel in some way. If it does, route to a context based on that information, If it doesn’t, you are out of luck.
change the variable ${CALLERID(num)} for the ${CONTEXT} variable and make2 different contexts for example like admins & users… put the devices that you want to block in the users context… using you dial plan could be something like this…