I’m trying to login a SIP phone user dynamically into a Queue using AddQueueMember application. I’ve configured the queue, extensions in Realtime. Below is my inference,
Case 1 -
No calls in the Queue
User logs into the Queue using AddQueueMember application.
A call is placed into the Queue.
Caller hears music on hold and the call is not routed to the User.
After the timeout period the call in the queue gets disconnected.
My expectation is the call should get connected to the user once the call is placed in the queue but, it is not happening.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve also listed an another case where the call gets connected to the User phone correctly.
Case 2 -
User not logged in to the Queue using AddQueueMember application.
A call is placed into the Queue.
Caller hearing music on hold.
User logs into the queue using AddQueueMember application.
Call gets connected to the User.