Hi everybody, in the last period I found many modems with continuous ASTERISK restarts. This happens approximatively every few minutes and the logs are like the following
daemon.err >>>starting openrg_reconf...
daemon.err [APTCP] themanager_changed aptcp_clients changed
daemon.err [JAST] asterisk needs reconf: voip or syslog changed
daemon.err [JAST] asterisk conf changed; need reload
daemon.err [JAST] asked to reload asterisk
daemon.err [JAST] reload flags:
restart = 0
reload all = 1
reload extens = 0
register all = 0
hangup = 0
or with extens flag on.
In your experience is this related to a specific internal problem of the modems?
Is there a documentation to understand logs?
Are there significant messages to take into account to identify particular problems of the user or to highlight the steps of the call handling (registration, outgoing/incoming call, errors?
Thank you in advance