genericConfirm empty screen after confirm

Hi All,
im having an issue and im not 100% sure if its my code or something else?
but for some reason after i show the genericConfirm, after i click confrim, the screen just goes blank ? and then after say 20 seconds the app just closes itself ?
im calling my function from a List menu when i press the SoftKey1

var app = require('app'); app.init(); var util = require('util'); var screen = require('screen'); var genericConfirm = require('genericConfirm'); var hello = new Text(0, 0, window.w, Text.LINE_HEIGHT, 'Loading Inbound Caller ID List...'); window.add(hello); var listObj; var a = {}; var request = new NetRequest();"GET", "", true); request.oncomplete = function() { util.debug(JSON.stringify(request.responseText)); var result = JSON.parse(request.responseText); //hello.label = JSON.stringify(; listObj = new List(0, 0, 200, 100); window.add(listObj); listObj.setColumnWidths(100, 100); listObj.rows =; listObj.cols = 2; for ( var i = 0; i <; i++ ) { listObj.set(i, 0,[i].name.toString() ); listObj.set(i, 1,[i].number.toString() ); } var call = new Image("app", "call.png", 0, 0, 14, 14); var add = new Image("app", "add.png", 0, 0, 14, 14); var smile = new Image("app", "SimonFace2.png", 0, 0, 14, 14); var edit = new Image("app", "edit.png", 0, 0, 14, 14); var remove = new Image("app", "delete.png", 0, 0, 14, 14); listObj.setSoftkey(1, 'Call', callNow); listObj.setSoftkey(2, 'Add'); listObj.setSoftkey(3, 'Edit'); listObj.setSoftkey(4, 'Delete', deleteNow); listObj.setSoftkeyIcon(1, call); listObj.setSoftkeyIcon(2, add); listObj.setSoftkeyIcon(3, edit); listObj.setSoftkeyIcon(4, remove); listObj.takeFocus();; hello.label = "Completed"; util.debug("Completed"); }; request.send(null); function deleteNow(){ a.processConfirm = function (params) { util.debug(JSON.stringify(params)); if (params.confirm === true) { util.debug("please delete"); } else { util.debug("dont delete"); } };{ 'id' : 'confirm_1', 'message' : 'Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Caller ID ?', 'title' : 'Confirm', 'object' : a, 'confirmBtnText' : 'Yes', 'hideCancelButton' : false, 'cancelBtnText' : 'No', }); } function callNow(){ var s = listObj.selected; var g = listObj.get(s, 1);{ 'number' : g, 'handler' : function (obj) { util.debug(obj.state); //prints the 'state' of the call } }); }
Thank you for help