FollowMe Realtime on Mysql

I wanted to ask, is any of you have ever used the FollowMe app in realtime mode. I created two tables, the first and second named followme followme number, I modified the file extconfig.conf as follows:

followme.conf => mysql, general, followme
followme_numbers => mysql, general, followme_numbers

but when I try to load the module app_followme I get the following error:

localhost * CLI> module load
Unable to load module
Command ‘module load’ failed.
[May 25 20:42:46] WARNING [13530]: res_config_mysql.c: 950 config_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info.
[May 25 20:42:46] WARNING [13530]: app_followme.c: 343 reload_followme: No follow me config file (followme.conf), so no follow me

any suggestion is well accepted …


after removing the file and set followeme.conf extconfig to the mysql tables, the first real problem I encounter is on the form followme.
When I try to load it, I get the following message:
localhost * CLI> module load
Unable to load module
Command ‘module load’ failed.
[May 26 20:44:58] WARNING [21353]: app_followme.c: 343 reload_followme: No follow me config file (followme.conf), so no follow me
[May 26 20:44:58] WARNING [21353]: app_followme.c: 343 reload_followme: No follow me config file (followme.conf), so no follow me

But I wonder? you can use app follow me on Mysql using the two tables followme and followme_number? or should I use the table ast_config?
