Depends on the answer to my second question. They shouldn’t need 5060, but, if you allow re-inviting, they will need the UDP port range configured in the respective phone. Re-inviting will reduce the load on Asterisk.
They don’t add any requirements not already needed for the trunks.
all the rtp traffic from outside the firewall is with the asterisk server.
sip phones on the lan with the asterisk server don’t need any firewall ports unblocked.
It would be much easier to unblock ports just to the asterisk server’s IP.
In this scenario, would sip phones outside the firewall require any additional unblocking?
Does running with “canreinvite=no” add so much load to the asterisk server that 20 simultaneous calls on the sip trunk would require high end hardware on the asterisk server?
Re RTP ports, you will need 4 free UDP ports for RTP per call.
If you are not wanting to accept anonymous SIP calls, only allow 5060/UDP traffic from your SIP provider (as well as the handset subnet…obviously), it will reduce the SPIT and extension enumeration attacks as is becomming ever more frequent.
20 calls is pretty straight forward on most current hardware provided there is no codec translation. Thats the CPU killer. Try to keep it all g711 or g729 or even g722 if your bandwidth and ITSP support it. So long as you dont have to convert the audio.
We have a similar situation, only we have NAT and we are using port forwarding on the Asterisk box. Its a Via C3 running at 800MHz with 512Mb RAM and a standard EIDE 80Gb disk. It manages to keep up with 6-8 calls and no complaints. I recon I could double it, judging by the overall CPU usage. All handsets are running g711a (alaw which is standard for Australia) to the ITSP. The box handles all SIP and RTP traffic from the handsets to the trunk.