Hello. I am trying to use WaitForTone in Asterisk Dialplan Application to make the automatic phone caller detect a fax. The dialplan I created is as follows.
exten => s,1,Noop(Fax detection)
same => n,WaitForTone(2100,250,10) ; detect 2100 Hz
same => n,Noop(“WaitForTone: ${WAITFORTONESTATUS}”)
same => n,Hangup()
However, I keep getting a Timeout message, so when I call the fax with the Asterisk endpoint, I find that the characteristic beep sound that is heard when calling a fax does not come out. I think this is a 2100hz tone, but it seems that it is not detected because this tone is not coming out. I think echo suppression is happening somewhere, but I have no idea. My system is set up like this
Oh, I live in South Korea. Phone numbers are only included for those who have agreed to provide their personal information to third parties (optional).