On this website is a description how to configure fail2ban.
There is a text (somewhere at the end)
[ul]Please be aware that this configuration only works if you have allowguest=no in your sip.conf file, and a good practice is to also add alwaysauthreject=yes.[/ul]
But with allowguest=no I can’t receive calls anymore from localphone.com
I have put in /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
“ignoreip” can be an IP address, a CIDR mask or a DNS host
[quote=“david55”]Your problem is that you haven’t provided enough logging or configuration file content to debug your problem.
However, as described, the problem is not with fail2ban, but with the sip.conf peer entry for your ITSP. For some reason this is not being matched.[/quote]
What logging or configuration file content do you want me to provide ?
As localphone.com does not seem to use any loadbalancing system in the communication to the users all incoming traffic should come from one single IPv4-address: (aka localphone.com).
So Your sip.conf would be very interesting as the peer for localphone.com shoud be found if it’s correctly configured and it should be absolutely safe to set allowguest=no.
IMHO this shouldn’t be a fail2ban-problem but one with Your configuration.