I am using asterisk ari externalmedia to send rtp to the remote server and in remote server I listen for udp port and capture udp and streaming it to google speechtotext api. But i am getting null response from speechtotext api. I tried with audiofork and its working fine, but the audio fork cannot play back to asterisk. In that case kindly help me on sorting external medi. I have done as follows using externalmedia ari and nodejs
step1: Softphone(channel A) dials from asterisk dialplan, answered it and forwarded to stasis app
step2: created an externalmedia channel for udp to remote server
step3: Added channelA and externamlmedia channel to a newly created bridge
So the bridge is having channel A and external media channel. As per the documentation conversation from channelA should be forwarded to external media channel in the same bridge to remote server
I can see in asterisk logs rtp is flowing to
in remote server i caputed using nodejs udp:dgram
server.on(‘message’, async (message, rinfo) => {
await wait();
recv += message.length;
if (recv >= bytesThreshold) {
// tell next messages to wait
waiting = true;
var sending = Buffer.concat(buffers);
recv = 0;
buffers = [];
var data = await stt(sending);
const results = data[0].results;
const part = results.map(function(result) {
return result.alternatives[0].transcript;
console.log("Updated transription: " + transcription);
// complete the wait
waiting = false;
console.log("part recieved is",part);
if(part != ""){
console.log("transcription is there");
function stt used for speech to text
async function stt(file) {
console.log(“calling stt”);
const speechClient = new speech.SpeechClient();
const audioBytes = file.toString(‘base64’);
const audio = {
content: audioBytes,
const config = {
encoding: 'LINEAR16',
sampleRateHertz: 8000,
Model: 'telephony',
languageCode: 'en-IN'
//languageCode: 'en-US'
const request = {
console.log("calling API");
return await speechClient.recognize(request);
using wireshark i can see udp reaches in the destination server, but no rtp. it seems like its not the actual conversation is sending to google speech. Kindly help on this.