Error in installation asterisk

I want to install assterisk version 21, I encounter an error

[Apr 18 04:42:56] NOTICE[8]: indications.c:1100 load_indications: Default country for indication tones: us
[Apr 18 04:42:56] NOTICE[8]: indications.c:424 ast_set_indication_country: Setting default indication country to ‘us’
[Apr 18 04:42:56] WARNING[8]: config.c:2130 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 310 of /etc/asterisk/geolocation.conf
[Apr 18 04:42:56] ERROR[8]: res_sorcery_config.c:334 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file ‘geolocation.conf’ are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr 18 04:42:56] WARNING[8]: config.c:2130 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 310 of /etc/asterisk/geolocation.conf
[Apr 18 04:42:56] ERROR[8]: res_sorcery_config.c:334 sorcery_config_internal_load: Contents of config file ‘geolocation.conf’ are invalid and cannot be parsed
[Apr 18 04:42:56] NOTICE[8]: res_smdi.c:1424 load_module: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SMDI listener.
[Apr 18 04:42:56] WARNING[8]: res_phoneprov.c:1249 get_defaults: Unable to find a valid server address or name.
== libsrtp2 2.1.0 initialized
[Apr 18 04:42:56] ERROR[8]: res_sorcery_config.c:328 sorcery_config_internal_load: Unable to load config file ‘aeap.conf’
== RTP Allocating from port range 10000 → 20000
[Apr 18 04:42:56] NOTICE[8]: confbridge/conf_config_parser.c:2410 verify_default_profiles: Adding default_menu menu to app_confbridge
== Registered calendar type ‘ical’ (iCalendar .ics calendars)
== Registered calendar type ‘caldav’ (CalDAV calendars)
== Registered calendar type ‘exchange’ (MS Exchange calendars)
== Registered calendar type ‘ews’ (MS Exchange Web Service calendars)
[Apr 18 04:42:56] WARNING[8]: cel_pgsql.c:463 process_my_load_module: CEL pgsql config file missing global section.
[Apr 18 04:42:56] NOTICE[8]: cel_custom.c:92 load_config: No mappings found in cel_custom.conf. Not logging CEL to custom CSVs

docker file is


ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noneintractive \


LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \



ARG VERSION=“21.2.0”

ADD . /usr/src/sources/

RUN set -x \

&& reqDeps=’ \

openssh-client \

openssl \

’ \

&& buildDeps=’ \

build-essential \

git-core \

ca-certificates \

’ \

&& reqPack=’ \

aptitude-common \

libboost-filesystem1.65.1 \

libboost-iostreams1.65.1 \

libboost-system1.65.1 \

libcgi-fast-perl \

libcgi-pm-perl \

libclass-accessor-perl \

libcwidget3v5 \

libencode-locale-perl \

libfcgi-perl \

libhtml-parser-perl \

libhtml-tagset-perl \

libhttp-date-perl \

libhttp-message-perl \

libio-html-perl \

libio-string-perl \

liblocale-gettext-perl \

liblwp-mediatypes-perl \

libparse-debianchangelog-perl \

libsigc+±2.0-0v5 \

libsub-name-perl \

libtimedate-perl \

liburi-perl \

libxapian30 \

aptitude-doc-en \

apt-xapian-index \

debtags \

tasksel \

libcwidget-dev \

libdata-dump-perl \

libhtml-template-perl \

libxml-simple-perl \

libwww-perl \

xapian-tools \

aptitude \

aptitude-common \

libboost-filesystem1.65.1 \

libboost-iostreams1.65.1 \

libboost-system1.65.1 \

libcgi-fast-perl \

libcgi-pm-perl \

libclass-accessor-perl \

libcwidget3v5 \

libencode-locale-perl \

libfcgi-perl \

libhtml-parser-perl \

libhtml-tagset-perl \

libhttp-date-perl \

libhttp-message-perl \

libio-html-perl \

libio-string-perl \

liblocale-gettext-perl \

liblwp-mediatypes-perl \

libparse-debianchangelog-perl \

libsigc+±2.0-0v5 \

libsub-name-perl \

libtimedate-perl \

liburi-perl \

libxapian30 \

odbc-postgresql \

unixodbc \

unixodbc-dev \

’ \

&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists* \

&& apt-get clean \

&& apt-get update \

&& apt-get install -y $reqDeps \

&& apt-get install -yqq $buildDeps $reqPack --no-install-recommends \

&& git clone --depth=1 -b $VERSION GitHub - asterisk/asterisk: The official Asterisk Project repository. /usr/src/asterisk \

&& /usr/src/asterisk/contrib/scripts/install_prereq install \

&& cd /usr/src/asterisk/ \

&& contrib/scripts/ \

&& cd /usr/src/asterisk/ \

&& ./configure \

&& make menuselect.makeopts \

&& menuselect/menuselect --enable format_mp3 menuselect.makeopts \

&& menuselect/menuselect --disable CORE-SOUNDS-EN-GSM menuselect.makeopts \

&& menuselect/menuselect --enable CORE-SOUNDS-EN-WAV menuselect.makeopts \

&& menuselect/menuselect --enable CORE-SOUNDS-EN-G722 menuselect.makeopts \

&& menuselect/menuselect --enable EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-WAV menuselect.makeopts \

&& menuselect/menuselect --enable EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-G722 menuselect.makeopts \

&& menuselect/menuselect --enable EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-SIREN7 menuselect.makeopts \

&& menuselect/menuselect --enable EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-SIREN14 menuselect.makeopts \

&& menuselect/menuselect --enable CORE-SOUNDS-EN-SIREN7 menuselect.makeopts \

&& menuselect/menuselect --enable CORE-SOUNDS-EN-SIREN14 menuselect.makeopts \

&& make -j4 \

&& make install \

&& make samples \

&& make config \

&& ldconfig \

&& make install-logrotate \

&& rm -rf /etc/asterisk/* \

&& mkdir -p /usr/share/intragram/asterisk/ \

&& mv /usr/src/sources/config/* /etc/asterisk/ \

&& cp -r /usr/src/sources/scripts /usr/share/intragram/asterisk/ \

&& mv /usr/src/sources/modules/* /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ \

&& chmod +x /usr/share/intragram/asterisk/scripts/ast_tls_cert \

&& mv /usr/src/sources/ /usr/bin/run \

&& chown www-data:www-data /usr/bin/run \

&& chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/lib/asterisk/ \

&& chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/asterisk \

&& chown -R www-data:www-data /var/spool/asterisk \

&& chown -R www-data:www-data /var/log/asterisk/ \

&& chmod 775 /usr/bin/run \

&& rm -r /usr/src/sources /usr/src/asterisk \

&& sed -i s/‘#AST_USER=“asterisk”’/‘AST_USER=“wwww-data”’/g /etc/default/asterisk \

&& sed -i s/‘#AST_GROUP=“asterisk”’/‘AST_GROUP=“www-data”’/g /etc/default/asterisk \

&& sed -i s/‘;rungroup = asterisk’/‘rungroup = www-data’/g /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf \

&& sed -i s/‘;runuser = asterisk’/‘runuser = www-data’/g /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf \

&& sed -i s/“enabled = no”/“enabled = $AS_ENABLE_AMI”/ /etc/asterisk/manager.conf \

&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists*

RUN ls


CMD [ “start” ]

ENTRYPOINT [ “run” ]

Have you read the output or tried to investigate at all yourself? These don’t inherently prevent Asterisk as a whole from working. They are for specific functionality.