"error": "Allocation failed"

New to Asterisk and am trying to use version 13 API.
Installation is complete and trying to invoke the resful API now for testing.

Tried with uri -

Body - {
 	"endpoint": "SIP/User",
 		"callerid": "XYZ"

Get the message :

    "error": "Allocation failed"

Can someone point me in the right direction?
What is this message trying to tell me…

What are you trying to do/wanting to do? That request is very minimal and won’t work (it doesn’t say what to do if the channel is answered).

HOnestly just a stright forward example of how to open a call to one person. Open a call to another. And then bridge would be more helpful than anything.

The wiki[1] has an example of this which can be used as a base. There are Python and Node examples.

[1] https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/ARI+and+Bridges%3A+Bridge+Operations