I am having trouble with my Asterisk 11.2.1 box. When the problem arrises I am seeing the same 3 things flooding the logs, thousands of times per second. Can someone please explain to me what is causing this message and what it means? Thanks In advance.
Having debugging enabled is what is causing the messages. You should always describe the fault symptom properly when providing debugging messages,as debug messages generally describe non-fault conditions.
These all seem to relate to the following rtp.conf options:
; Enable strict RTP protection. This will drop RTP packets that
; do not come from the source of the RTP stream. This option is
; enabled by default.
; strictrtp=yes
; Number of packets containing consecutive sequence values needed
; to change the RTP source socket address. This option only comes
; into play while using strictrtp=yes. Consider changing this value
; if rtp packets are dropped from one or both ends after a call is
; connected. This option is set to 4 by default.
; probation=8
Please note that the General forums are for making comments, not for asking questions.
But after a few months of no replies, and the condition worsening, I tried to figure out the problem myself.
Last night I updated to the 11.20.0 (from 11.2.1) as I found some issues in the upgrade log that may be related. I also identified some possible other causes with some cron jobs doing file backups that could possibly be causing it. Hopefully these issue will resolve it, if not I will try to explain things better and go from there.