Echo cancellation does not work

Building backup Asterisk server, using working config from another system. The problem - it seems that the echo cancellation does not work. It is enabled, loaded and activated, but when I make call from an analog PBX via E1 (Digium TE235) to SIP phone on Asterisk, I hear echo on SIP phone. I use Oslec, installed according to the instructions:

mkdir / usr / src / dahdi / linux / drivers / staging
cp -fR /usr/src/linux-3.16.7/drivers/misc/echo / usr / src / dahdi / linux / drivers / staging
sed -i “s | # obj-m + = dahdi_echocan_oslec.o | obj-m + = dahdi_echocan_oslec.o |” / Usr / src / dahdi / linux / drivers / dahdi / Kbuild
sed -i “s | # obj-m + = …/staging/echo/|obj-m + = …/ staging / echo / |” / Usr / src / dahdi / linux / drivers / dahdi / Kbuild
echo ‘obj-m + = echo.o’> / usr / src / dahdi / linux / drivers / staging / echo / Kbuild
cd / usr / src / dahdi /
make install

The only thing with that, path must be /usr/src/linux-X.X.X/drivers/staging/echo, but I figured it was changed to … /misc/echo.

Tried to use mg2 - same results. If I turn off echo cancellation on the main system for the experiment, then I hear absolutely the same echo - one to one. It seems that Asterisk just ignores echocancel = yes on the new system. Otherwise, everything works as it should, except echo. What is confusing is that nowhere in the logs there are no errors.

Debian 8.4 - 3.16.0-4-amd64 # 1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2 (2016-04-08) x86_64 GNU / Linux
DAHDI Version: 2.11.1
libpri version: 1.5.0

Maybe DAHDI compiled wrong? Or Oslec conflicts with something?

Your DAHDI system.conf file needs to specify that you want to use an echo canceller, e.g.


We also always recommend the use of the hardware-based cancellers, as customers have better success with them than with the software-based cancellers.