Does anybody reply on this forum

I have posted on here previously and I got one reply. After providing additional information that was already provided originally, I get no replies in 4 - 5 days. I posted the additional information / reply on Sunday. Today is friday and no further assistance. Digium ought to offer a better forum for their product.

This forum is for users of Asterisk.

The responses to any questions are from other users, and very probably not from Digium employees. (Though they are not excluded from participating themselves.)

People who post questions here should not expect an answer. No one is obligated to read or answer any questions posted.

Additionally, answers to questions may or may not be the only method to solve your problem, and may, possibly, be incorrect answers. Use discretion when implementing any suggestions made here.

This is a user support forum where users attempt to offer help to other users. Nothing more.

When a question is posted to this forum a lot of people will read it - most of whom, it seems, are fairly transient and don’t really know much about Asterisk. Out of the rest, some won’t know the answer to your question, but - if they’ve got time and the inclination - may (if you’re lucky) reply with some general help and pointers to where to find information. A few, maybe, will know the answer to your question - or at least have a rough idea of a possible approach to solving the problem - and, if you’re lucky and they have the time and the inclination, may respond.

Some of the people who don’t know the answer to your question may also, if you’re extremely lucky and they have the time and inclination, do a bit of a search around for information to help you.

There’s an incredible amount of traffic on this forum and it’s pretty well guaranteed that everyone who is likely to be able to help you is busy and has limited time. If you get a response at all you’re very lucky - and you should be grateful to the person who has bothered replying out of the kindness of their heart. If you don’t get a response then that’s just tough and you have to go away and do some research and experimentation and see how much closer to an answer you get. After that, you may have some more information - which you can post here and maybe will be of help to someone who might feel like helping you.

Don’t forget, the software’s free and you don’t have to pay for the support you get here!

It is frustrating when you have a problem and can’t get an answer to it.
I just figure that when it happens to me, people are looking at the post with the same thought I have with some of the questions i’ve read on here…

“Woah, I got no idea how to fix that problem (and I’m SURE glad its not happening to my system)”

I can see I really ruffled some feathers here. That was not my intention at all. And yes Dicksonc, it is very frustrating. Luckily, I figured out my problem. There was a problem with the extension showing up on the AMP GUI. I got it taken care of and everything worked just fine.

I just figure that when it happens to me, people are looking at the post with the same thought I have with some of the questions i’ve read on here…

“Woah, I got no idea how to fix that problem (and I’m SURE glad its not happening to my system)”[/quote]
I often look at posts with the thought “i could answer that, but i haven’t really got time… I’ll just quickly write a short reply…” Then i spent quarter of an hour on it and i end late for whatever it was i was supposed to be doing! :wink: